The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 60 days, 18 hours. Get details and Enter.

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Again, The Moon Full

It was a clear night as the Moon looked down with apathy upon the dwellers on the city
Going about their important tasks with intense intent, feeling a sense of inner pity
Meaningful and yet oh so meaningless, trying to make sense of it all
Fit everything into the quantum soup, existence in this urban sprawl
Such strange ingredients to work with. Moon, what say you?
Do those lost souls floati...

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treenatureurbanisationsave forestswilderness



The girl showed her fangs, most when alone

Her nails grew bigger, clear and they’re cold;

Escort; chaperone.


She showed her fangs when she got him alone

Clawing at skin; she’s ice and she’s cold

Showed her his doors and how they won’t close

Inside the living; curtains and carpets stained with cologne.


Epoxy the vase, stuck on the phone

Shirt into shre...

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City Streets

These mean streets?

Or inspired living?

Our choice I guess…


Urban life

To some safety in numbers

To others oppressively overcrowded


What we focus on

Give attention to

Makes our reality every time

And yet here we have nature

Surviving against all the odds

Offering hope to humanity


What will you choose to see?

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treenatureurbanisationsave forestswilderness

The Lakes Have Eyes

The Lakes Have Eyes

Ferrari nails dug into Dogwood bark as August curled in,

And eyes mirrored the lake beyond the petals carried with a cooling wind.

Her favorite spot: atop a mica wall,

We used to go; we used to sit there and laugh; we thought we’d fall.


There was only one day, prior to autumn before the earth cooled

When the sky grew stressed and pelted us with rain, i...

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Wilderness: a thought on urbanisation

Wilderness: that where animals exist. That where humanity finds no reason to be. And yet we're all somehow standing in wilderness. Or that which was once it. 

The fallen tree logs, the leaves that had to wilt way before they ripened into green beauties. The guardians of these, left stranded by humanity in a labyrinth of concrete structures, metallic towers and blinding dusty smoke and thereupon...

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