The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 55 days, 6 hours. Get details and Enter.

reunited (Remove filter)


Six years, a social class or two, a religion and half a country between us

We found each other in a city large for me and small for him

I bought this tall, exquisite stranger a beer, only because I’d had a few myself

And found some courage there.


Was the moon full that night as he walked me home, and we sat close on the sofa?

My legs tucked under me, facing him, I asked, “What ...

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love and time passinglove poemsSelf-awarenessmeaningful relationshipsdifferencesreunited

The Arrival

the approval has been granted, 
the lift of the travel ban, 
the ticket longed for is now in hand 

three days scheduled 
in glorious summer heat 
with a lover’s heart in waiting 

greeted at the airport 
a loving embrace 
and staring deep into each other’s face 
before a long evening at an outdoor cafe 

between smiles exchanged 
we smooth out spaces 
between places that haven’t 

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Undying Flame

Images and words 
suddenly appear, 
words longed for 
hitting deep 
as they wrap around 
and envelop me,
overwhelming yet satisfying.

Since our last meeting 
your ghostly presence arrived 
in the oddest of places: 
romantic restaurants, 
quaint cafes, 
art galleries, 
long car drives, 
concert halls, 
walking in a park, 
every room of the house, 
and late at night in bed. 


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artistsdesiresreunitedloversmemoriespassionlost love

Separated Not By Love

You set the scene, 
describe it so perfectly; 
what we’ll do 
what I’ll wear 
where we’ll go 
from the first moments of excitement 
to the height of pure ecstasy 

But love, 
it’s a trembling sensation 
that leaves me wanting; 
wanting to lay with you, 
to feel your warmth next to me 

The cool breeze from the window 
attempts to ease 
the burning between us 
but fails as we don’t...

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