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The Arrival

the approval has been granted, 
the lift of the travel ban, 
the ticket longed for is now in hand 

three days scheduled 
in glorious summer heat 
with a lover’s heart in waiting 

greeted at the airport 
a loving embrace 
and staring deep into each other’s face 
before a long evening at an outdoor cafe 

between smiles exchanged 
we smooth out spaces 
between places that haven’t 
been touched in years 

a lean in, a whisper 
and a sudden rush off to the hotel 
the night is a dream 
flames, sparks flicker 
and before we know it 
the time has disappeared 

daylight returns 
breakfast ensues with a spread of delights 
the agenda of walking around museums no longer appeals 
all that’s needed to be seen 
is right here



◄ The Gift and the Curse

Sudden Attack ►


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