The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 60 days, 18 hours. Get details and Enter.

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metaphysical poetry (Remove filter)

The Coming of a New Age

With every year's end - the advent marks the start of a new day,
as human kind we’re always growing wiser, furthermore, fully face to face with the task of taking baby steps toward a straight forward path —
It’s time to take a stand…
(With that being said: we really need to enjoy such a joyous occasion)
In an effort to boost morale; International Women’s Day should pronounce a two part holiday...

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Naturefeminismfashionspiritualitygodlovepoempoetrylove poemspiritualmetaphysicsmetaphysical poetrymetaphysical

Alien Love

I know, somewhere, on the other side of the Universe,

An alien man and an alien woman seek

Love.  Light could not guide their course –

They did not have eyes; they could not see.

They had genuine intentions, they always did,

A family or whatever it is called there.

They would count every single beat

Of their hearts if they could only hear.

They were married.  They would nev...

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universealienslovelifemetaphysical poetry

I wondered into the British Museum

I wondered into the British Museum


I had no business being there.

“It is free admission,”

You reminded me.

“Free?  There cannot be such thing.

When visitors enter artifacts

With their minds,

They carry pieces away

Like a colony of ants.

It is destruction

Invisible to the naked eye.

Envious, greedy visitors

Stealing a precious collection

With ...

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humormetaphysical poetryphilisophical

Cradle yourself

Cradle yourself,

Weep like a child

In the face of eternity.

What sins are you carrying

In your cow bag?

Take them out

One by one.

Place them on this stone

In the bright sun

So I can examine them closer.

“They will dry out,” I protest.

I laugh, “What’s the worry?

Are you trying to keep them forever?”

I pull back and hide

The bag behind my back.

“I am not...

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philosophicalmetaphysical poetry

The Leap


How the porpoise was drawn into the seas

holding a pace seeming stationary

and, bagged on a shelf in a store of years,

who would believe: love is perfected yet.



Moon-proud a sillhouette over our seas-

a second sight at the antipodes-

curving like the rainbow before she fades

just as never was: love is perfected yet.

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metaphysical poetry

At Present

There is light at the end of the tunnel
and it is light these eyes were made to see.
My self I have imagined, reflected
in countless frames busy with wild designs 
to my left                                            and right,
likeness after likeness for company.
Portrait of the times each step of the way
shadow caught astrals, they reach out, would speak.
How many would change their...

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metaphysical poetry

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