The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 60 days, 20 hours. Get details and Enter.

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The girl showed her fangs, most when alone

Her nails grew bigger, clear and they’re cold;

Escort; chaperone.


She showed her fangs when she got him alone

Clawing at skin; she’s ice and she’s cold

Showed her his doors and how they won’t close

Inside the living; curtains and carpets stained with cologne.


Epoxy the vase, stuck on the phone

Shirt into shre...

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15 Curses of Caleb


Inevitably a smile

A happening of fascination

The affected refrain from spilling out


Judge quickly, it is a curse

The affected begins to ponder

Thoughts begin to hurt


The affected seek more

A common voice is only common

As long as the affected recollects his words


Converse, seemingly, indefinitely

He is...

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24 days before Christmas

24 days before Christmas Day.
24 days of cold chilly nights.
24 days of laughter, joy, and spirit in the air.
24 days where people are a little bit nicer.
24 days of giving to those in need of help
and to those we love and care.
24 days of playing in the glistening snow.
24 days of Christmas songs sung.
24 days of preparing for celebration.
24 days of counting down
'till Christmas Day.


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christmascelebrationfriends and familysinging songs

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