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fireplace (Remove filter)

waiting for the first snowflakes

waiting for the first snowflakes



red, yellow, and orange

have long since gone


grass has turned brown


frost has covered the land


afternoon sun is low

in the southern sky


geese have flown

in the blue heavens

south for winter food


squirrels gathered

nuts and stored

them in their nest high in the trees


next-door nei...

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our log cabin


Our log cabin


you always loved to hear the rain

on the tin roof of our log cabin

in the foothills of the Adirondacks

morning light would come

we would awake

listen to the rain

lying in each other's arms

listening to the loons on the lake

welcome the new morning

another log added to the old fireplace

we would welcome the morning

in our own special way


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adirondacksfireplacelog cabinloonsloverain on tin roof

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