The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 53 days, 4 hours. Get details and Enter.

Pearl (Remove filter)


At the bottom of the sea sits a perfectly symmetrical hinged oyster shell
lived in water and land
Inside is a grain of sand
That chosen grain the special one
In to the gap in the shell he has gone
At first it is lonely and dark cant get out
But hes safe from the monsters of the sea no doubt
This tiny grain with sharpened points
Indulges and grows as the shell anoints
He tumbles and role...

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Pearlpearlsnaturesandsea themed poems


In evening light at still of day

Shadows are sweeping time away.

A man through his window sees it all,

The fading blue, the shadow fall.

At the upper edge of vision

Perfect pearl, divine precision.

As hidden jewel in tapestry,

Shines the orb through the trees.

Two thirds round, white edged, sharp and clean.

The last third blurs into the unseen.

Precise imper...

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