The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 59 days, 20 hours. Get details and Enter.

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So only the dirty, the unclean, ungodly

Will be refused favour come judgement day

They will sit in their hovels of dust a distress

And live out their lives in their dishevelled way

They will scrape in the filth for a reason to live

They will hurt, they will need, they will cry, they will pay

For their corrupt and defiled code of getting on by

Where they sin and...

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cleanlinessday 13dirtdirty handsgodnapowrimo2018outcastsinnerunclean




I listened to your every word, as if we were sitting in the pew on Sunday.

Worshipped your word and your advice as if you were preaching the gospel. 

Then I grew up and realized the faith you were preaching was all bullshit.

You left me and took your blasphemy with you. 

You left me a sinner, with no gospel to believe in.

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