The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 56 days, 8 hours. Get details and Enter.

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Living the 1950's

I don’t remember

   the 1950’s.


But I spent 

   4 months and,

   15 days,

   living in the 1950’s. 


At least I’m told I did.


My parents got me there,

   before moving

   to the 1960’s.


All I know

   of the 1950’s,

   is grainy,


   and black and white.


Dad quiffed,

   Mum elegant,

   caught happy,


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Hi, I will be uploading photos from pictures that were captured by yours truly. Give me a follow on 

instagram: @mesquitecanyon_photography 

facebook: Mesquite Canyon Photography 

The beautiful scenery of New Mexico! 🌵💚

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CowsphotographyNew Mexicophotosscenery



The best invention in my opinion 

If I had to choose from a million 


Not electricity inspired by the eel 

Nor is it the ever useful wheel 


Although these things are really magnificent 

Life without photos would be so different 


To describe a memory there's no better way 

to reflect on events you witnessed each day

To look at loved ones who've passed away...

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Then the photos appear

I never see them coming

That need for revelation

Emotionally so numbing


Image of ex-husband

Faces of cheeky kids

This woman has lived

My life hit the skids


Tales come with the pics

Stories of her family life

Domestic ups and downs

How she fared as a wife


All I feel is hot shame

Angry at what I missed

Wife, kids, annive...

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alien planetdespairimagesmisfitphotosshamestoriesvacuum

Are Lyrics Poetry?

Whether this is a controversial view I don't know. But over the years many have called the likes of Bob Dylan, John Lennon and even Paul Weller Poets because of the content of their song lyrics. I personally do find many of the latter two songs inspiring and poetry like 'That's Entertainment' by Paul Weller and 'Imagine' by John Lennon are two good examples.

I once had a manager who managed tho...

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MagicLyrics. PoetryPhotosRussell C. BrennanBob DylanPaul WellerJohn LennonPhotographyVoyeurs Welcome

The Photo Finish

The Photo Finish
The picture frame was empty.
Its blank expression populated cities.
The neon lights averted gazes or
focussed even more as
tarry skies consumed
mould memories.
Office block shadows
 tormented your
and your absent anecdotes,
projecting cataract photos
of lovers inside you.
You fell apart

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Memorieslossphotosphoto frame

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