The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 59 days, 21 hours. Get details and Enter.

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Do Not Disturb

she was sent in to wake the beast

knowing there would be consequences

the door she opened

her heart racing as to leave her chest

step by step his bed she approached

unleash the demons was her demand

a touch so light had no effect

her heart beat louder

as she attempted again

not to be disturbed

asleep he remained

with the courage she had left

a shake is what she ...

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drug poemsdemonsdo not disturbdark agesnot enoughbrother


For many years I walked in shame

With my head bowed down not looking anyone in the eyes

Shame for not being good enough

Shame for not being wanted nor loved

I sat in darkness wondering if I would ever be able to find light

Sat there wondering, if I would ever be worthy or enough

Then a voice whispered in my ear, " I am here."

The voice got louder and yelled, " I am here."


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godshamelovestrengthsunraysheartsmileyearningnot enough

My words

 My words are my weapon, my defence.

My words may redeem me or hang me out to dry.

My words maybe truth, they may be lie.


They are the thoughts that I can’t hold in.

The criticism I take on the chin.

My words can make me a great friend or a crap enemy.

They show me to be a bitch, a sweetheart, an idiot, educated?

My words reveal things about me that I could oth...

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my wordspoetrynot enoughbelong to meI love my wordsemancipated

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