meet again (Remove filter)
Meet Me In The Rain
Meet me in the rain
So I can explain
The sun’s gone
And it’s been too long
I look at your pictures on the wall
I shouldn’t keep them up for too long
I miss the sound of you down the hall
So I avoid the sound of you at all
It’s as if the flood gates of heaven opened up from God’s weeping
Deep down I know it wasn’t you I should be keeping
Thursday 20th February 2020 4:00 am
Teriyaki chicken made by the Teriyaki Boyz from the comfort of their 1980s Volkswagen
Please forgive, I got no desire,
I was warm but you put out the fire.
So don't hold back my tears.
Now you just try to avoid looking me in the face,
not even our thoughts can see eye to eye.
Please let's forget the lies we told ourselves.
I used to dream bout your golden hair,
than November came and we're not the same, anymore,
but I guess we're happy.
Put on your shoes,
let's go f...
Friday 29th November 2019 10:50 pm
Dear Brother
My poor dear brother,
I don't know you
and you don't know me.
Your name is Robert.
My name is Crystal.
You were born on march 4th,
and I was born on March 14th.
You are three years older,
and i am three years younger.
But, my poor dear brother,
Although we don't know much
bout each other, I somehow still feel close to you
and I know that someday we'll meet again.
Wednesday 22nd October 2014 2:51 am
Old Skool
Old Skool
We went to your old school,
in an area where crime is rife and drug dealers think they rule the streets.
What do you think when you see your old school?
Are your memories good or bad?
Were you bullied like me? Or have lots of friends?
Do you want to go back in time and spend a day in your school,
in your favourite lesson?
If so, what lesson?
Thursday 8th November 2012 7:43 pm
Once we had it all, I had a nice raven-haired girl, took her three kids
on all happy families. Guess I did love you, were we really soulmates?
Yet you were never a goth, never understood that side of me. My England
let me down, our goth bands died and pop took over, Atomic Kitten, no way!
We split, I went Norway, gothic metal heartland, black m...
Sunday 26th February 2012 2:34 pm
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