The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 56 days, 18 hours. Get details and Enter.

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john short on WOODEN ZOO
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Tom Doolan on Hiding In Plain Sight
11 hours ago

David RL Moore on Gift
14 hours ago

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Hélène on Nostalgia
14 hours ago

Hélène on Tuning Into Love
14 hours ago

Mike Bartram on The Singing Star!
14 hours ago

Stephen Gospage on Pre-Lent Event
15 hours ago

The homeless man

Evicted from his house

    In a dark and cold night

    He walked down the deserted alley

    A bright light slowly showed the way

    The path of hope that was crossed by shadows

    Is this really the right path?

    The wind whispered

    The dead leaves were creaking

    An owl hooted

    What was the hidden message?

    His stomach was growling

    His body wa...

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Love Lost

As I love,
So I wish to be loved,
As I care,
So I wish to be cared for,
As I tolerate,
So I wish to be tolerated,

I could go on.........

But all these are simply words,
Words with elusive meangs,
And vague interpretations,
And no meaning at all to those who choose not to listen,

To write about love means nothing,
To talk about love means nothing,
Love is an action, a reaction,

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Depressionlovelove lostsadloss

Mirror of perception

'Mirror mirror on the wall,
Who is the ugliest of them all'.
Hearing the answer gotten so sad,
For the looks of it, he was not so bad.
Seeing himself ugly in every face,
But it was just his perception not the case.
Thinking of this day and night,
Forgetting the beauty was not in the face but inside.

Again giving himself a chance, he gathered courage.
Asking one more question, like a sag...

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mirrorperspectiveperceptionsadhappyuglybeautifulinner beauty

The Sex

She walked into this world,
Smiled, and parted her thighs,
Loving passion of death,
Burning the flesh to cinders,

Come to me,

Desire has weakened my spirit,
Her words have broken me,
Echos carry deep, dripping with the sex,

Be with me,

Pain and love are one,
The blood-soaked arousal of an evil servant,
The consumate act, the ultimate submission,

Fuck me,

And in the end it ...

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Hell knows no fury

How come
The heart-wrenching
And the  unexpected
Widow's grief

The lady in black
Soon defying
Funeral decorum
Put on pink clothes
Decency that lack
Simply to attack
A deceased
Cheating husband
Whose unfaithfulness
Kept in the dark
Soon after funeral
Became stark!

Aghast adultery
Hell knows no fury.

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adulteryangrybitter and twistedcheatingconfusiongriffparadoxsadunfaithfulness

Desolation of Z

Dark and bleak and empty and bare
This life is hard.. I hate it here.
Voided, eroded, saddened... barren of joy
Helpless, hopeless, soulless... a plain white wall
Mopey, lonely, gloomy...why even try
Hungerless, Sleepless, motionless...I might just die
Drowning, not breathing, cant gasp for air
Quiet pain, drenched in rain, not one care
Deserted, isolated, distressed and bored
want to, ...

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Dont ignoreDesolationdespairsadhopelessfutilityBe a friendDepression bipolar hopeless alonesave someonepainpoetrylitcreativewritingmiseryvoi


Oh women
They kill a man
Who could die for them
And die for he
Who could kill them! ///


(A remark by a woman about women )

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Empty Hands

Pain exists inside the heart

That mourns the missing day

Emptiness, holding all that’s lost,

Fingers white, grasping air, slipping away


Darkness surrounds all we see, 

Shadows stolen from what could have been

Extinguish a flame, smoke filling our souls

As expectance is hidden and unseen 


Embers remain in the sorrowful ash

As the wind lifts up the light of our e...

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I can’t see

But I can dream


It’s like wearing a blindfold

On my brown eyes

I can’t watch, but I can feel

All these weird wild vibes


All these angelic faces around me

But those diabolic souls surround me

Are they real or are they fake?

It’s like watching a blue snowflake

Falling for smiles and grace

All night murdering for a race


I can’t wait


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I'm breaking

Inside I’m breaking, I’m aching, in falling apart
The mess in my head is a real work of art
I’d unravel this mess but where would I start
Picked away at the seams bit by bit, part by part

The confusions, delusions
I just think what I have
But then thinking and sinking
I start to feel sad
Then with sadness there’s madness
And then I feel bad
These confusions, delusions are driving me ma...

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Do they really need to know

Do they really need to know
Does it matter, does it show
Does it make them like me less
Can they see inside my head
Do they really need to know

Do they really need to know
Put on a front and fake a smile
Things seem ok for a while
Until the shadows creep back in
And the demons start to win
Do they really need to know

Do they really need to know
Everything looks fine outside
But I’...

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"Getting" Bi

Rescue ‘forever’
The fight of my life
Saving a marriage
But hurting a wife
Twisted confessions
It feels like a dream
Entering territory
I should never have been
Keeping a secret
Locked up deep inside
Now nowhere to run and nowhere to hide
I should of kept quite, not swallowed my pride
But how could I live
With the secrets and lies
Emotionally scared
A heart that is bruised

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LGBTBisexualityBisexualrelationshipsmarriagesadlovebreaking uphopestrength

Malignant Manipulator

The figure had a lonely aura about itself. Something about it weighed on your charachter. You willingly relinquished parts of yourself in hopes to nurture the overwhelming darkness that the stranger seemed to carry. As your mind opened to the new acquaintanceship the insecurities and fears that were once held by the apparition influenced their way into your esteem. As the light diminished from you...

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depressionovertakensadmental illness

The opposition

Its federal. Can't open my mouth so i plead the fifth.

Nerve racking, I cant believe I did that, on foot to foot I shift.

Looking around, I wonder if they'll notice? Telling myself I need to refocus.

Don't figet and keep ignoring their pries, say that I don't know anything, don't let them see the flashbacks, the tears in my eyes.

They're federal. The opposition that'll make your life e...

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Mind games

Thank you for playing the game called life,

Quite shaming that nothing has turned out right. Even from the beginning things played out bad. With wrong choices and people, everyone knew you weren't going to last. 

Love and loyalty failed you, friendships turned, family was no longer real. I guess we could call you an experiment; putting you through the wringer and then setting you free.


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Time is not a demon

He is many things but not

  a murder

Neither is he money

 nor power

He is wise enough 

 to be wise enough.

Time is not celebration either

Time is infinity, is immortal

He is wise enough to be wise enough


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Lil Ray of Sunshine

Lil Ray of Sunshine

Yeah it's been longer than a minute,
so i gotta let this go,
everything that i've kept in,
these words ready to flow.
As much as i speak,
little did you ever know,
that this lil ray of sunshine turned into a pitchblack soul.
I remember a few years ago I preached a lot,
I had some words of wisdom so I shared my thoughts.
I preached about loyalty , respect and gangsta...

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relationshipsbreak-upmarried lifepainsadloveliesinfidelity

the bus

the time he grabbed my ass

he never asked.

just because I'm nice doesn't make it okay

i didn't know what to say I just let it drift away

because who really gives a shit if I was inappropriately touched 

no one. no one cares about anything. this life we live is pointless and people treat other people so poorly for no reason with no shits to give. I don't understand how people can liv...

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sexual abusemistreatmentcarelesssad

Lock Down Bank Holiday Let Down

The bank holiday, just like any other it would seem

People lined up for burgers, queued for ice cream

Traffic jams and chaos, they raced to beauty spots

Roads filled with cars and bikes, so few parking slots


They parked on pavements, blocking walkers' way

Locals wished the tourists had not visited that day

Was it too much to hope, common sense would prevail

I wish that th...

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I'm sorry.


It’s a weird feeling. 

Hating yourself.  


I try so hard to put on a show


To all of my friends

And my family 

I need to be strong.

I don't want pity 

I don't want to be a charity case

I’ve always been the person people come to for advice 

And I’ve always been there for all my friends 

And goddammit, I wish they were there for me 

I me...

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sad poemssadsadnessdepressionlifestrugglehelptiredweakness

The flower in my hand

I hold this flower
In my hand.
Yellow and perfect.
Like European star.
Like my heart
Is bound to this place.
My ear used to different languages,
My nose used to all these smells,
Smells of freedom.
In a continent of so many colours,
Blossoming friendships
And beautiful memories.
I keep this flower alive
As long as I can.
I know it will die
Like the freedom
That leaves us.



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EuropeEU bordershomesadfreedomflowerdiversitytravelling

Do You Ever Also?

Do you ever feel like you're the protagonist of a book?

Where the ending is constantly being rewritten and you're just waiting for the day that it's finally gone through all the edits and gets published?

But what happens if it's a novel that has 7 parts?

You might never even get to read the last written words or get to the final chapter of what you thought was your

"perfect ending."


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elijahfallaselijahjamesfallaselijahsaintjameselifallaspoemthoughtspoetpoetrysadoverthinkingtroubled hearthorizon


I hope you are the sun that

shines at the daint of the full moon

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Broken in tiny pieces
Shattered metaphorical and literally shattered
My soul feels bruised and battered
Years of lost trust finally found over almost a year
Gained in time but lost again through fear
Warned stay clear
All things toxic drugs and beer
Disappointment unspoken but visual
Her eyes are sad she looks miserable
She blames her self they all do
The handful of people who got me thr...

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The Moribund Poinciana

She was a spectacular tree.
People called her the flame of the forest,
for she was obviously striking, vivid and classy.

I need not narrate the superlative majesty
of the flame – tree, for one time or the other
we have all been breath-taken by her peerless glamor.

What matchless artistry!

I am here to quickly share
my ruminative gloom for that lovely assembly
of flower, leaf and woo...

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She woke up dead

She woke up dead, yes dead in her heart 
She thought they would never ever part 
The Wicked man of stone ruined her life 
Why did he ask her to be his wife 

He knew he already had one tucked away 
She tries to cry but she woke up dead today 
A bigamist and a sweet girl of twenty three 
Signs where there she just didn't want to see 

Three week into the marriage a knock on the door 

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It’s All Gone

Its All Gone - Poem by Marie 

There was a time when she lay on the settee legs slightly parted it turned him on 
Now at fifty two it does nothing, her magnetic sex appeals gone 
There was a time she would look in the mirror and see a sex goddess 
Those day are Dead her beauty no more a subject to address 

There was a time when wolf whistles made her blush when out in the street 
The worl...

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i bet you didnt expect to be doing drugs

i bet you didnt expect to give your sister one last hug

it wasnt expected that youd die and come back

and it wasnt foretold that on your face youd fall flat

nothing was planned to downfall, nor did you think that people would break down your walls

but it happened, your innocence was taken

and your faith in god was shaken because your actio...

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never had a dad had to grow up fast, couldnt get over it so i live in the past

lonely and troubled i felt all alone, with little happiness, depression was shown

i fell into violence, drugs were upcoming, nothing felt better than the way that they were numbing

into trouble is what i always got, in and out of facilities, the recovery i fought

four years and my memory is grey, im always j...

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