The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 59 days, 20 hours. Get details and Enter.

shakespearean sonnet (Remove filter)

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Third Beach

Third Beach


This is the sunny place my spirits rest

Sat on a wooden bench watching the sea

The shimmer from the bright pacific west

The only place on earth I long to be.

The walkers and the cyclists passing by

Upon the wide and welcoming sea wall

The seagulls and crows desperately try

To out call the other in pine trees tall.

I watch the tankers in the distance drif...

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day 5holidaynapowrimo2018off topicrestfulshakespearean sonnetthird beachvancouverwatching the sea

A Bracelet Of Daisies

A Bracelet Of Daisies


She made me a daisy bracelet

And twisted the stems round my wrist

We swore we would never forget

the sun slowly set as we kissed

And for a short while that was true

love blossomed like that daisy chain

but those white petals never grew

the green shoots were twisted in pain


It hurts when you’re given a heart

that unnourished withers and ...

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napowrimo2020day20daisy chaingiftloveheartbreaklost loveshakespearean sonnet




I am the scythe that cuts through old and young

In cornfields where the idle crows watch on

As scarecrows flap their arms in summer sun

And wonder where the greedy birds have gone

The weeds grow now where once the sharp blade fell

Stealing from us all that we once held dear

There are no devils in this weeping hell

Only children transformed through pain and fear


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covid 19futilityhuman touchrichpixshakespearean Sonnetunnecessary deathvirus

Sonnet 91 In The Age Of The Slow Departure

Sonnet 91 In The Age Of The Slow Departure


Some glory in their birth, some in their skill,

Some like to brag of money that they make

Some just want the power to force their will

Some never choose to give but only take.

And every politician takes a vow

To do the people’s true will without fail

Yet what are all these promises worth now

The desperate cry is screamed to no...

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NaPoWriMo 2019day 27shakespearean sonnetbrexitsonnet 91 first linereimagining

Cursed Be He That Moves My Bones

Cursed Be He That Moves My Bones

“Good friend for Jesus sake forbeare,
To dig the dust enclosed here.
Blessed be the man that spares these stones,
And cursed be he that moves my bones.”


How often did I studiously fail

to untangle your brier patch of words.

Encouraged by my teachers to prevail

in setting free the frustrated songbirds,

so that their melody could swell the h...

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400th anniversaryCurseShakespeare's DeathShakespeare's Graveshakespearean Sonnet

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