peace (Remove filter)
Finding Peace
When I close my eyes, that is peace.
When I breathe out, that is peace.
That is peace when I open my eyes,
And when I breathe in
That is peace.
When I sit down, that is peace.
When I am silent, that is peace.
That is peace when I stand up,
And when I speak to others
That is peace.
When I sleep, that is peace.
When I choose to dream, that is peace.
That is peace when I wake up,
Thursday 17th December 2020 10:57 am
The melodic grass
This music,
it makes me want to fall from the water
float in the sky,
stare at those lips
and kiss those green eyes,
drink from the clouds
and jump on the pond
to feel the stars
and gaze at the stones,
the rythms , the notes
melt my mind
ignite my visible voice
I'm not here nor there
maybe inside a void
floating on the blues
maybe its a d...
Monday 14th December 2020 8:23 pm
Narcissus V Phoenix
Narcissus creatures surround me.
Vultures, pecking at my serenity.
Testing my resolve.
Threatening to consume me.
Daring me to break free,
from a doomed mentality.
Do I close my eyes to injustice
permeating our atmosphere,
like The Great Smog?
I spread my Phoenix wings.
Rise above the toxic darkness.
Bring forth healing light.
Spread peace, kindness, love.
Never give up ...
Thursday 10th December 2020 3:49 pm
Advent 2020
Image courtesy of Marilylle Soveran and Flickr; Creative Commons.
Hard to believe that it's December and we're coming to the end of a year that has presented many challenges. In the Christian tradition, candles are lit for Advent, representing hope, love, joy, peace, and the light of the world. This year we're waiting for vaccines, an end to lockdowns and tiers and I've tried to ...
Friday 4th December 2020 3:38 pm
Imitating Nature
Give me grace as a tree…
Give me power as the leaf…
And the friendship of the grass
If I fall.
I wouldn’t mind if I
Had the freedom of the sky,
And the warmth of the sunlight
On the earth.
Give me a song as the sea…
Play me music like the breeze…
And the comfort of the silence
Of the night.
I will not mind at all.
I will be one part of it all.
And rejoice at the splendour
Of the ...
Friday 27th November 2020 4:18 pm
Get Your Affairs In Order
Get your affairs in order,
a familiar voice whispered
out of the blue.
Thanks for the warning,
but there is nothing
left to do.
No lingering love,
no financial strings,
no unsung songs.
Only one request, if I may.
Can we skip the drama?
I prefer a peaceful,
transfer of power.
Friday 20th November 2020 4:33 pm
You are not alone.
[ ] Even through the deep pain, shame, regret & great sorrow.
[ ] Keep well living there is always a tomorrow.
[ ] Fight! Go towards the light, not the dark road.
[ ] We know the burden is heavy on you & has a strong hold.
[ ] And it's not and easy thing to defeat or let go.
[ ] Beware of your health it's taking on a great toll.
[ ] I can feel the negative vibratio...
Thursday 19th November 2020 7:51 am
1000 Letters
I’ve written you 1000 letters
I’ve waited for you 365 days
I’ve prayed to God a million prayers
But I realized now it is all insane
I realize now it was all in vain
I get scared to think of no longer loving you
I get so scared that I pray for another way
I pray that God makes me see that everything’s ok
Love isn’t forever
Love doesn’t always stay
Wednesday 11th November 2020 4:26 am
Flow with me,
past stormy seas of isolation,
fear, dis-ease... to an
island of peace and harmony.
Flow with the Eagles,
past winds of regret, mistakes,
shame... to the mountaintop of
Flow with the lyrical Doctor,
past pain, loneliness, despair...
to healing waterfalls where wishes
come true.
Wednesday 21st October 2020 9:24 pm
Instead of inhaling
doom and gloom,
let’s take a walk
in the woods,
play hide and seek
among willow trees,
Feel the sun rejuvenate our soul,
Become one with dirt and rain,
bathe in the healing fluid from mother nature’s veins,
just what the doctor ordered.
Monday 12th October 2020 1:27 am
As I watch the waters flow
As I watch the waters flow
It calms my soul
As I watch the light ripples
My heart mirrors its beat
Smooth, serene
Somewhat still
As they move to the wind of God
Going only where the Father blows.
Lord, let your living waters flow.
By Faith Olajuyigbe, author of Words of Faith
Friday 28th August 2020 4:44 pm
The First Week
A solitary pigeon perches on a telegraph pole
And sings her call.
Other than that, the world is quiet.
The constant rush of rubber on tarmac
Has finally ceased.
Gone, the mechanical birds, bees and bugs
Filling the air with their droning busyness.
The warm wind has dropped,
Hushing the rustling.
And even the neighbourhood dogs respect the silence,
Sleeping soundly.
...Wednesday 19th August 2020 1:51 pm
Hunger hides in the schools
Hunger hides in the uneducated
Hunger hides in a child's mind
Why should this be a political fight
We are not asking for a feast, just a little something to eat.
Sadness hides in the home
Sadness hides in the room
Sadness hides in the man on the streets
Don't want to run in your circle anymore.
Want to take that straight line le...
Wednesday 19th August 2020 11:46 am
Shallow waters seldom hide the blackened sand below
Rocks and land, erodes in tides, defiled by ebb and flow
The calmest waters, clouded up, by a river built on lies
The purest shores, shrouded over, engulfs an isle that cries
The years weep past, the time goes by, the waters seldom turn
Every second bleeds, through wasted lives, the oceans start to burn
As memories close an...
Tuesday 11th August 2020 8:25 am
Mindful Monday
Can we be brave and kind,
Strong enough to speak our mind?
Can we be mindful of the words we say,
As we go about our busy day?
I challenge you to try this week,
to reflect on every word you speak.
Will you be kind and gentle with yourself and others?
Friends, strangers, sisters and brothers.
Sunday 26th July 2020 9:55 pm
Ever Green
Your soul song is addictive,
makes love evergreen.
Peace flows through my veins,
amidst a world gone mad.
Play on, in the misty starlight
of my mind.
Sunday 26th July 2020 6:23 pm
Life is like a train journey,
Passengers keep changing.
Life is like an ocean,
The winds keep on changing
Life is like a desert,
Where weather keep on changing
Life is full of change,
No one and nothing stays the same
There will be ups and downs
People will leave you with painful wounds
But you have to stand up and fight
You have to follow ...
Sunday 19th July 2020 5:08 pm
One Love
Worries dissolve
with each drum beat,
guitar strum,
heartfelt harmony.
From floating,
on a river of dreams,
to cosmic flight,
weaving a cocoon of peace.
One love.
Hope springs eternal,
in your soul song.
Wednesday 8th July 2020 1:21 am
May peace be with you,
the whole day through.
May aches and pains
sail away with the blues.
May sunrise open your eyes,
experience make you wise.
May your soul find its way home
on the wings of love.
Thursday 25th June 2020 4:34 am
Alexis karpouzos : The mystic journey
Our home, a pale blue dot in the vastness of universe's untouched beauty, a tiny, spherical world, afloat in a immensity of space and time. Here for a moment, and then we're leaving for the eternity. In the school of mortality we learn to acrobat over the abyss.
Alexis karpouzos
Tuesday 9th June 2020 11:14 am
An orange morning,
a fresh aromatic air,
and a cup of coffee
might make you crazily cool.
The multi-colour roses,
a lush-green garden,
and the love-filled people
might sway you in a romantic realm.
The dark clouds,
a thunderstorm,
and a forked lightning
might throw you in a scary field.
The bad guys,
an evil thought,
and the black habits
might drive you glum and burri...
Wednesday 3rd June 2020 8:04 am
In a world that is broken and full of crime and hate
There are people who still have faith
Faith that can move mountains and make things well
There are people who believe with all their heart that things can heal
They believe that with faith anything and everything is possible
Through pain, death, and brokeness we must always remember to have a little bit of FAITH
Let God take th...
Monday 1st June 2020 7:27 pm
Breathe Again
"I can't breathe."
How those words
now haunt me.
Suffocating reminder
of the curse
on humanity.
I want no part
of this evil plan,
man against man.
Let me stowaway
with paper and pen
until we get past
to a safe place,
where kindness,
compassion, love
rules the land,
where we can
breathe again.
Monday 1st June 2020 1:50 am
Victory Two!
It's September of forty-five.
We remember the dark months
when France was overrun and England stood alone
against the force of Nazi armies.
Soon Germany attacked Russia.
Then Japan committed a tactical triumph
and a strategic blunder: they attacked Pearl Harbor.
Our ocean fortress had been breached.
That Day in Infamy galvanized the nation;
to win, no matter what the cost.
Two ...
Wednesday 27th May 2020 2:26 pm
Victory Won!
It's May 8, nineteen forty-five,
What a happy, giddy, glorious time,
with the end of the war in Europe
and peace around the corner!
The war years are a blur of memories.
We remember the dark days, bleak months
when France was overrun and England stood alone
against the onslaught of Nazi oppression,
with the miracle of Dunkirk and the Battle of Britain.
Soon Germany attacked Russi...
Wednesday 27th May 2020 2:23 pm
Peace and Love
It's a sound you don't hear often
The whisper of peace and solace
A dream bound in resolution
And a warm consoling embrace.
It's a touch you don't feel often
The soft brush of a finger tip
A tactile motion full of desire
And a truly attentive lover's grip.
Monday 4th May 2020 8:08 am
Solar return
instances of mesmerizing glimpses vivify and lend clarity into an understanding of soul.
evocation leaves an everlasting mark as two twin flames embark from a space of divine love to create fate
meticulous minds pick a place and time, upon your arrival show a sign that's vital, gravity pulls us in for a kiss as our hearts meet.
my greatest wishes grant admission, a star is born and with t...
Wednesday 15th April 2020 9:05 am
Leisurely Life Lessons
I could get used to this leisurely life.
Wake up without an alarm.
Stretch, yawn, linger on.
Get my long list of to do things done.
Read, write, learn without interruptions.
Walking a snail’s pace on the treadmill while catching up on world news...
Unprecedented attempts to slow the spread of a new kind of flu leaves me wondering what more we can do?
Quiet calm surrounds m...
Thursday 26th March 2020 2:19 pm
Tuning In
Can you hear me
on this crowded
Is the earth turning
to quicksand
beneath your feet?
Let poetic music
drown the chaos,
set your spirit free.
No more worries.
Only peace,
love, harmony...
Friday 20th March 2020 7:07 pm
What Really Matters
My heart has been calling
for something new.
Do you think
it would make a difference
if it's me or you
who makes this move?
This here is all that matters
Let it be that simple for once
Let’s spread love all around
Let’s take on the world unafraid
Nothing can stop us now
Just listen,
you'll hear me sing.
Don't worry,
leave your cares behind.
...Tuesday 10th March 2020 4:40 pm
Artists & Critics
She doesn’t sing to win awards,
she sings to breathe life to her soul,
connect with spirits tuning in,
let them know they are not forgotten.
She knows she will have critics
that judge her art lacking.
Their negativity is nothing she hasn’t
overcome from herself a million times
on her rocky road to freedom.
She smiles as the ivory tickles her left palm,
Saturday 7th March 2020 12:54 pm
In Search of Mermaids and Lighthouses
In search of mermaids and lighthouses
is where you will find him and me.
Seeking sea things sets us free
from daily monotony,
broken hearts,
Advil bodies.
We thrift shop with childlike wonder,
forgetting about adult things
like settling debts,
stagnant relationships,
Mermaids and lighthouses
beckon us to dive into a green-flag
ocean of time
Monday 24th February 2020 5:15 am
Poetry and creative writing by the philosopher and author, alexis karpouzos.
Actress : Martha mourouzi
Tuesday 11th February 2020 9:44 am
Poetry and creative writing by the philosopher and author, alexis karpouzos.
Actress : Martha mourouzi
Tuesday 11th February 2020 9:37 am
Oh lord god in the hearts of men and women plant a seed
Let it grow to take away every bad thought and bad deed
War is something to forget, firmly leave in the past
All our Soldiers in war situations get them out fast
Were all born to die so why do it with Bloody War
Families should grieve for battle fell loved ones no-more
Set your heart god to cleaning the hearts of all men
in pe...
Tuesday 21st January 2020 11:14 pm
Swim with Me
Swim with me
in the sea of Galilee,
where we will drown fear,
loneliness, depression, despair...
then surf the waves
of forgiveness,
peace, mercy, grace,
unconditional love,
and joy everlasting...
Monday 20th January 2020 11:34 pm
Dear John
Dear John,
Thank you for remembering
the forgotten ones,
for seeing beauty within.
You are a hero
to lovers among men,
a poet’s poet,
the razor’s edge...
Long may you live.
Friday 17th January 2020 12:43 am
A Thousand Years of Peace
I used to think it would be an honor
to usher in a thousand years of peace,
a willing martyr to stop senseless suffering,
but I had no idea of the atrocities
that would ensue between men,
or the loss of innocent children
that we would witness with despair
and helplessness.
Come now Lord, end the madness,
flood evil with love,
make our planet a peaceful place,
before all hope i...
Saturday 4th January 2020 1:13 am
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