The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 59 days, 10 hours. Get details and Enter.

man and woman (Remove filter)


She has no scars.
She needs no wings.
She bleeds like an angel crying for her sins.

She weeps for her feelings and loses them in the rain.
She’s dead in the morning until she drinks the golden liquid that can leave a nasty stain.
She waits, she commands, she’s ready with her plan.
She delivers new children into the world without a helping hand.

We stand and stare and wonder how they can...

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Lovelove poemsman and womanwoman



The lady was a goddess in her looks and demeanor. Very beautiful in every way. From the way she swayed her hips to her seductive smile to fluttering her eyelids. It was what wasn’t said that got men’s attention but the hidden and unseen, images placed in their minds eye. Only one man was lucky to own her heart. For a long time they were happy. Then he fucked it up big time. They ha...

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domesticfightman and womangoddessrevenge




You all go on holiday to the South of France. A few days away from busy Paris. Playing happy families, pretending everything is fine. Pierre is Annette's best friend, spending so much time together. Oh yes, Pierre is in love with Annie. So much so. Haven't you seen the way he looks at her when she's not looking? If it came down to it, would he marry her? Be able to satisfy her i...

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man and womanplatonic friendssecret unfulfilled lovevoided ambitionholiday

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