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Technological Breakthrough
and their underlying machinations
proved useful in passing the "Turing Test"
to deceive the people — via machine learning
... has restored
The Faith in humanity’s childlike creativity
to get us out of this predicament
left to our own devices,
the generations of old
have presented us with,
an ultimatum ...
ghosts of future’s past
Saturday 16th December 2023 5:05 pm
Recapturing who I was
Before my microchips
I used to be a human
Now it's electric bits
Back then,
I had less memory
I needed to
Use my brain
Subjects like maths & physics
Were such a struggle
A strain
I remember
I used to wear glasses
So much I wasn't seeing
That's all in the past now
I'm a supersonic being
I used to get
So tired
Energy leve...
Wednesday 23rd October 2019 7:13 pm
Kill Switch
Kill Switch
Go on,
Go on and press it,
Press the damned switch and let it be done,
Let it all be done unto Earth as it is in heaven,
As that’s what they preach
That’s what they preach!
Where be my beloved Rachel,
Where does she go between the hours
My loins and longings no longer request her
A bar, the gymnasium for the perfec...
Tuesday 17th January 2017 12:30 am
advanced warplane poem
Such delicate Gryphons once formed a mighty fleet,
a fleet of fragile and deadly craft, half alive and half
machine ready to do their masters work.
Now there is only a dozen, all of the others fell to
earth like blazing comets in one war or another since the
Third Shining.
Each craft is alive in its own little world.
The last of a long line o...
Thursday 8th September 2011 9:20 pm
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