War (Remove filter)
Our Vets
Our Vets
What are we to do regarding our war veterans?
They served and fought for their country
Many paid the ultimate price dying in a far off foreign land
Or were injured by enemy action often carrying the mental scars
The cost of being a veteran for freedom the freedom that we take for granted
It's been like this since the 20th Century Wars and soldiers on and on
You all know the wars an...
Sunday 10th November 2019 11:32 am
You ask if I'm okay,
because I am
unusually quiet
I'm just trying to keep memories
behind the flood gates
so they don't sweep me away
to a dark place.
Thank you for being my escape,
a bright light,
my way home,
my touchstone.
Your love helps ease the pain.
I don't mean to push you away.
There are so many things I want to say,
but I must go, feed Jake.
Saturday 9th November 2019 1:45 pm
This modern day government are glorified Hitlers
I know little facts about war today
without facts in reason
i know enough
I know in school
they teach us in history of evil Hitler
How he murdered millions
children women men
the gas chambers
the injustice
vile despicable creature
"That will never happen again"
"how times have changed "
or have they ?
yes we are a modern world
computers updated typewriters
things are different now
Monday 23rd September 2019 2:06 pm
the Space Creep
We get stoned out on the gun.
When Brady joins us with his big head,
we crack jokes and run for cover.
Run for your lives.
The Space Creep has landed.
Hey brother, take off that head.
We hide behind sandbags
to blast the Creep with bullets, grenades
and the M72 LAW.
He stands in the middle of the gun pit,
with his hands pressed to his ears,
Come on you guys.
Cut it ...
Wednesday 14th August 2019 9:35 pm
It was not so
At the start it was not so
That we did know the stone to throw,
To kill the beasts and men like us,
To think it fine to strike the blow
That spread man's blood upon the dust.
How was it that death entered in?
Cruel killing, how did it begin?
Did not the Tree of Life stand there,
In God's garden where was no sin.
In God's garden where all was fair.
Friday 28th June 2019 4:14 pm
Old Men's Tears
Old Men’s Tears
With hearts as heavy as thunder clouds
What once were torrents
Are now just trickles
Reflecting our futures
In the silver shimmer of our past
And they come
In stumbling honour
And their humility
Denies them as heroes
For the heroes were left behind
In voices cracked with age
They tell their tales
Of simple duty
In the face of...
Friday 7th June 2019 12:37 am
Starting Blocks
I was born in nineteen forty four
When black and white films were the norm
And the black and white bloody world war
Was in the last bloody phase of its storm.
But what does a babe know of such things?
A mother's breast is all that it cares.
Her steady gaze to bask in,
Her voice to soothe its tears.
As child I saw the bomb torn sites,
...Wednesday 5th June 2019 9:55 am
Round and round
Galileo once said the earth was round.
Round and round we go.
Why do we cling to broken things.
Round and round we go.
I had a dream it was truth.
Round and round we go.
One small step for man. One giant leap forward for mankind. Forwards and backwards.
Round and round we go.
The rise and fall of rome. High tides, low tides flow back to the sea
Round and round we go.
This god, ...
Sunday 26th May 2019 2:28 pm
The Mother To All
She’s a bright star, within the unlit night
Guiding others through, the tough thing, that we call life
Her strength is beyond admirable to all
And even if she should ever fall
She would somehow, pull though
The things, that to others, it would inevitably un-do
Her beauty and grace, isn’t just a way to save face
She's had to fight great wars, every single day
Even wh...
Wednesday 15th May 2019 7:23 pm
Super Snow Moon
Super Snow Moon tell us
the secrets you keep
when you orbit earth
as we sleep.
Tell us it is
an optical illusion
adding to our mass confusion.
Tell us of war and peace,
famine and feast.
Tell us please...
How are we so different
when it's the same moon we see?
Oh Supermoon, how we hunger for
your guiding light from above
to fill us with w...
Wednesday 20th February 2019 4:39 am
The Smug Bastard
The Smug Bastard
He marched in triumph
at the head of his men
basking unjustly in adulation
aimed at the deeds performed
by his troops,
the smug bastard
His chest puffed out
like a carrier pigeon
selfish eyes seeking
to be sanctioned
by female admirers,
the smug bastard
Cruel, ambitious, self-centered
the lives of his men were only
a means of ...
Thursday 31st January 2019 12:31 pm
The Big Red, White and Blue Dick
Guns, knives and hand grenades,
Bombs and shells we'll blow them away,
Underground bunkers are no match for us,
United States of America "In God we trust",
Blood, guts and body parts,
Shoot to kill and aim for their hearts,
Chemical warfare is also a treat,
We'll gas them out and leave 'em in defeat,
Put your hands up and surrender now,
We'll shoot you in the face unless you put your gun ...
Tuesday 15th January 2019 8:50 am
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