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Peace (Remove filter)

The Nucleus

If you find love for the duration,
This you may find will benefit every nation,
It begins with the nucleus,
And that nucleus is me,
All I want out of life is a cigarette and a cup of tea,
Anything more would be great,
But we must rid the world of hate,
Love is the answer to all things,
If you have true love then you will live the life of a king,
There will be justice for all,
And if you ...

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The Goodwill Wheel

Staggering beside the carts, like dull warhorses,

we stumble along endless tracks and mud-souped ditches,

always stooped, intent upon the next step.

Rattling behind, grisly chains of disarticulated bones,

tied by tendons and ligaments, trail beyond past horizons,

 a century of war.

Rainbows always cry.

The holly bears a bloody fruit.

All victors ethically vanquished.


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My Poor Ukraine

Nobody wanted to die,

Everyone wanted to fly,

To see each other and understand,

To live on our beautiful land.

But nobody hears the man.

Where is the one who can

Hear you and understand?

The one who would be fair

And always would take care.

I don’t divide men by the color,

But my patience became smaller.

 Instead of the nightingale trills,

I have to take the pr...

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One Hundred Years

The war to end all wars ended exactly one hundred years ago

That war failed in its objective of making war and bloodletting obsolete

Just like the bow and arrow is now outdated war was meant to be

The renderings of battle and conflict consigned to the history books

When children ask their parents: WHAT WAS WAR?


The answer should have started thus: Well child...

But that scen...

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Three Poems in Tana

1: An Old Transformation


Her body


as sea ice

lay before me


by life’s swell.

I remembered

the pull of her currents and tides,

her surging waves and deeps

And I knew

I could no longer navigate

the course

we had set

so long before

As she lay before me

still, pale, cold

I wept:

for ever



2: Lovers




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A Poppy In Winter

A Poppy In Winter


November mists come down in shrouds of grey

and folk remember, with their poppies red,

the loss of sixteen million war dead

and how the guns fell silent on this day.

So who are you to deem to have a say

on whether I should honour those who bled

by crimson colours? – or perhaps, instead,

in remembrance there is another way.

For I would guess that mo...

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petrarchan sonnetwhite poppyremembrancepeacealternative

Late Wisdom

You're aching for peace

I'm hurting too

Let the arguing cease

There's polling to do


You look for meaning

I offer a word

No sense for your gleaning

I'm not sure they heard


You called referendum

I thought it was flawed

A meaningless thrum

On democracy's chord


You were not aware and

I never knew

That voting out fanned

A nationalist view



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Peace, love and understanding have left the building

Thank you very much ladies and gentlemen

They’ve really enjoyed playing here over the years

It has been a wonderful experience for one and all

but now it is my sad duty to announce that

peace,  love and understanding have left the building.


Peace,  she left by the back door

Her sullen face only lightened by the thought

that it cannot always be this way

Wandering around...

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A Prayer for the Living


A Prayer for the Living


Pray that your living be thus:

A journey fulfilled, not forgotten,

a place for the touching of souls, not Mammon,

to freely forgive, and bear no malice,

a mind at peace, never roiling in anger -

and room to grow, not retreat or wander,

with no pangs of envy for the birds as they fly,

but to drink in the indigo boom of the waves

as they c...

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We are at war


We are at war 

and I should not be calm.

We are on the battleground 

Holding our castles 

and guarding our rights and riches.


We, you and me, are at war my love 

And I should not find peace.



You and I built the bridges and burnt the forests 

You and I conquered the mounts and rode the vales

You and I ploughed the ...

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Early Autumn Lake

Below the incurious sheep on the hill

                that stare at me as they endlessly chew

The sun is warm and I perch on a stone to watch quietly

As it is reflected off the surface of the lake:

                the part not covered with pond weed

                where flies dip and buzz

                dragonflies and damselflies dart

                     and hover:


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Gun like a flower

You don’t know me.
The time is gone
for you and for me,
but with this gun in your hand
you see the future
of your illness mind.
Call me by my name
and kill me after that.
Maybe in your eyes
I can write my happiness
and give you for the rest of your life
a peaceful victory.
We could die together
but who keeps alive
our memories
in this world,
the only world
that can exist?
My mist...

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We crossed the line

We crossed the line so long ago
We crossed the line so long ago
it was never meant to be a constant battle
we were never suposed to go to war
that wasn't why we were put on this Earth
We crossed the line so long ago
We crossed the line so long ago
we were suposed to be a civilized race
the Human race
we were supposed to live together
peacefully, harmoniously
not tearing each other apart

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The soul seeks passion and truth

The body wants to remain aloof

Our minds are the constant challenge 

Insert life into the equation 

It sometimes leaves you unbalanced 

Heightened states

Intense Emotions 

Hearts that lack devotion

Why do we fear the truth?

Our comfort zones keep us subdued 

Knowledge, wisdom and power

Lost souls stuck in the tower 


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Daily Howl

Daily Howl


A quiet boy -

he painted rainbows,

got lost in the words

of ancient poets,

spoke with respect,

offered up his seat

and his place in the world

to the unfortunates.


He smiled,

he laughed,

he spoke in words

of love and peace

with passion

and humility.

His voice

a pacifier.



when the world was cruel,

he cried


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Legacies (A poetic one scene drama)


Introduction before the curtain is opened.
-->The  introducer addresses the audience.

Instead of none-stop
Condemning the past
Let us do our part
To lift our country
From economic morass fast.
Better than licking a wound,
Taking corrective measures
On former leaders’ mistakes
We could
Capitalizing, on what
They did good.

(Open Curtain)

--> Enters Emperor Tewodros II


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At the Grave

As the rains came we followed

As the rains fell we listened

And walked towards the minister,

Passing by the dark grave wherein she lies,

To drop another daffodil, a final kiss from life,

On the pale box below.

And on, to cluster round beneath the trees

Circling the family, rooted by some strange harmony

Of communion: a drifting mass lost in loss.

On the hillside, as the ...

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Not the cross or the thorns

or the blood or the nails,

not the spear or the whip

or the rumble of stones

from the mouth of a tomb.


Not the hatred and bigotry,

the small minded hypocrisy

of this clan or that clan

whose father is biggest

or most feared or cherished.


Not the myth and the fable

espoused by blind acolytes

heaven bent on venge...

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alternative viewEasterEostremythPaganpeace

Buried in the Sunlight

This poem is for all those who find this life a trial. Keep on keeping on, as someone once remarked.


Buried in the Sunlight


Eleanor played the pipes as a piper should,

flying light with grace and flair and swing,

with airs like a wind band in the deep greenwood:

dancing her careless heart towards an Appalachian spring.

All who knew her, all for whom her life seemed bles...

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They cross fertilize

Peace and development, lung and heart, feed on each other!

Preparing for war is also option better adversaries to parry and deter.
Adversaries that conspire the couple - peace & development -to put asunder.

Also, to ensure peace, paying sacrifices further let us our development spur!
Unless they see poverty committed to the ground and in their life a turnaround, daunted, to belligerence hu...

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The lake is still in the evening sun

A little breeze make the longer grass sway on the bank

and a ripple disturb the surface:

A mayfly lands

A swallow drinks and is gone before I see

With a rattle, a duck takes off from behind the island

Then it is still again

Beneath the reflections are fish

Sometimes - but not yet tonight -

A circle of ripples flows out from a rise


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