thoughts (Remove filter)
Awake in a world that is asleep,
Always in a constant fluctuation of chaos,
My spirit seeks balance and peace.
Solitude has become my friend,
For the crowd that is riding the wave has unconsciously become my enemy,
Negativity is toxic.
My energy is prescious,
I must protect it,
Cherish it,
Everyone is not worthy.
Monday 18th December 2017 1:54 am
Diary Of The Southern Queen Entry #15 {Hopeless Romantic}
{Diary Of The Southern Queen Entry #15 {Hopeless Romantic}
His eyes sparked
a flame in me
that I thought
His lips tasted
like the sweetest
? honey dew
melon brushing
against my lips
for the first time
each time he
would ? kiss
His hair was
wavy that was
so soft against
my naked fleshy
His laughter
was like s...
Sunday 10th December 2017 3:51 am
Diary Of The Southern Queen Entry #9 {My Shawty}
{Diary Of The Southern Queen Entry #9} {My Shawty}
I am gaga for
you shawty
there's no
body like my
shawty you
make me fall
for you `n`
can't you see
what you are
doing to me as
I yell it to the
world around us
my shawty
recuse me from
the cold darkened
waters that I
was drowning in
Saturday 9th December 2017 10:16 am
Poetry is a Mediocre Diary
There is no good way to really start a poem
and by far
This is the third time I've tried to find a line to begin this
Which will never be the line that could best cooperate with myself
to get what I want.
So I could start my push
into talking about several things
Like how literary poetry is so different in nature to slam poetry, and why I think
both are good
But one is fine art,...
Friday 8th December 2017 12:05 am
You Best Let Me Know
{You Best Let Me Know}
You best be letting me know something boy because I am sick and so tired of me waiting for you to show me that you want me and that you do need me and that you actually do love me for real and not your kind of fake love crap and boy you best be getting to showing me someone or someone else will show me that they need me and that they do love me and see it will ...
Thursday 7th December 2017 1:17 pm
California~Birmingham Skies
{California~Birmingham Skies}
He was twisted up into the California skies always needing that extra special gift of love that would feel his ? heart with happiness for the rest of his day's on this planet but he painting his words of wisdom across the skies in California with the wanting to dedicating his self to this world the way he should have so long ago before his hair got all gr...
Wednesday 6th December 2017 11:32 pm
Baby No Hand's Needed
{Baby No Hand's Needed}
Baby no hands needed as I walk up on you then drop it to the floor in front of you while you are wanting to smack and grab my booty but I turn around saying no~no baby no hands needed as you are loving my rump shaker style because you are wylin on me while I'm dropping it like the newest stripper at the dance club classes shaking my salt shaker up and down rubb...
Wednesday 6th December 2017 4:44 pm
She's Trying
{She's Trying}
She's trying to forget:
She's trying truly to
force herself to
forget about the
between them
She's trying so hard
to forget his voice
She's trying to forget
how he made her laugh
even though she felt like
she's was dying on
the inside
She's trying to forget
all the beautiful
Wednesday 6th December 2017 3:59 pm
She Misses Him Badly
{She Misses Him Badly}
They shared something
so beautiful and something
so deep and true but that
was so truthful lustful love
affair ended to soon because
he didn't believe her so she
went on her way no matter
how much she cared or loved
him and so much she wanted
to stay but she knew that
they would only hurt each
other in the end and they
did bec...
Wednesday 6th December 2017 7:33 am
She's Shy
{She's Shy}
She's always been shy
She's always
been tossed away
because of her
She's always
been hiding from
the surrounding
world around her
because of shyness
She's always been
unseen, unnoticed,
unheard of because
of bad case of
She wishes that
her shyness would
disappear one day
so she will be adored
Tuesday 5th December 2017 4:05 pm
Conceit And Vanity Quote #1
{Conceit And Vanity Quote #1}
was such
a stuck
up that
in a
©One_Pissed_Off_American_Ghost_Writer/Tina Glover originally written in August 3,2016 but posting here 12/05/2017 all rights reserved
Tuesday 5th December 2017 3:26 pm
His Writing
{His Writing}
His writing was leaving me wanting more of his countless thoughtful thinking of my writing style and his word's are still visitable to my eyes and it has me yearning, wanting to know more about this man that is kind with his wisdom that is beyond his golden year's that had me reviewing his word's of beauty that had placed a big smile upon my face and lit up my eyes with...
Tuesday 5th December 2017 5:58 am
His Writing
{His Writing}
His writing was leaving me wanting more of his countless thoughtful thinking of my writing style and his word's are still visitable to my eyes and it has me yearning, wanting to know more about this man that is kind with wisdom beyond his golden year's that had me reviewing his word's of beauty that had placed a big smile upon my face and lit up my eyes with starlets of...
Tuesday 5th December 2017 5:57 am
Thug Life Quote/Of Mine #1
{Thug Life Quote/Of Mine #1}
The thug life
in me is one
day going to
set it off by
dropping the whole
world to it's
knees as you
will flow through
me and I will
go out in a blaze
of glory as God
made me to do
And my lil homies I ain't mad at cha
©One_Pissed_Off_American_Ghost_Writer/Tina Glover 1...
Sunday 3rd December 2017 3:55 pm
Sometimes You Forget About Yourself
{Sometimes You Forget About Yourself}
Sometimes you do
forget about
yourself when you
are to busy
taking care of
someone else and
other people to
but always
remember to take
a little time for
yourself and always
remember about
yourself because
if you don't no
one else will
Sunday 3rd December 2017 3:36 pm
The Pain
{The Pain}
There is pain in my? heart that always hurts so deep that it never departs from my aching? heart
And it's the pain of us being apart
A bad pain of our two heart's being so broken and torn apart
That never makes it's final departure
©One_Pissed_Off_American_Ghost_Writer/Tina Glover 12/01/2017 all rights reserved
Friday 1st December 2017 11:02 am
Sadness Has Stolen My ? Heart
{Sadness Has Stolen My ? Heart}
My ? heart is hurting so much beyond any word's I can ink down
And the pain is tearing up my? heart and soul up
And someone please tell me how I can retrieve it
Because now the life filled with sadness of a lost love has forever stolen my? heart away
And as I'm still trying to revive it today ...
Friday 1st December 2017 9:49 am
Tears In Her Eye's
{Tears In Her Eye's}
The tears in eye troubled sad eyes that flowed down her trouble worrisome cheeks as he laid beside her fast asleep as she slowly laid her head down on the wet pillows that was underneath her head without him even hearing her cry so as she cried and wepted for him because even though he laid beside of her she felt like she was alone in their bed and like what did I do ...
Thursday 30th November 2017 8:00 am
Feeling's Of Being Stalked
{Feeling's Of Being Stalked}
People in our society thinks it's okay to say they have a romantic relationship when you are stalking them showing up at certain places that they are at and then lurking around their homes or job
And would you please tell me if that's not stalking I'll kiss your assets~{ass}
Because you are crazier than I thought in the first place
...Thursday 30th November 2017 1:53 am
A Cloud of Cognizance (October '17)
A skull, abundant with nebulae
Cold waves crash upon the heart
Echoing through the veins and beyond
There she remains, inert in her behavior
Acclimated with these surges of pain
Leering at the screen before her
Acumen floating above curls that betray
A cloud of cognizance
Monday 20th November 2017 8:57 pm
Stress madness
Stress is a gun to your head, even tho I'm dead inside, I'm not after that lead, got too many problems to dread, too much going on, and still nothing right has been said.
Friday 3rd November 2017 8:37 am
The messages
What words have passed
What said
What read
What meaning cast?
What recall flows
What thought
What tort
What grievance shows?
What edge is crossed
What line
What sign
What friendship lost?
What nightmare grown
What meme
What seam
What darkness sown?
What text is read
What hyped
What typed
What despair fed?
What lov...
Wednesday 18th October 2017 2:22 pm
A Poem for Every Night
Is there something wrong with me?
No forget it, don't answer.
I don't need the diagnosis,
There's no need to say it,
Not even a whisper...
As the moon rises, the sky darkens...
It can't be helped.
As the place grows dark and time passes,
In this quiet home,
I start to feel alone.
The sinking feeling starts...
It's only 9pm and I feel alone.
Who can I...
Tuesday 18th July 2017 2:36 am
There was once a man.
There was once a man,
charming in the flesh
He fell in love with a woman,
who he described her as a universe with the brightest stars.
She was his dream,
a dream that came close with his reality.
There was once a man,
bewitched with all.
He dare not speak,
for not to ruin all.
He cared for his beloved,
as if she was the heart of it all.
Until he met his dem...
Saturday 15th July 2017 1:30 am
Thoughts on foothill drive
Took myself to lunch today. Just the way I like it. Actually, I'm sitting here at the table waiting for my food right now. I put my phone away so I could just enjoy my mind and the things around me. I'm surround by gossiping people. Literally each table I tune into consists of one person telling a loud story with a snarky voice and flailing arms, with the others at the table either trying their ha...
Thursday 13th July 2017 9:23 pm
Honey sweet honey
Honey sweet honey,
I see you in my dreams, dear sweet honey.
Good to see you're still jolly,
I can hear you at night my dear dolly...
You still got that melody kicking in dearie,
I can still feel it through you darling.
Got those big brown eyes dashing...
honey sweet honey,
Would you be mine tonight sweet pie?
Do not worry about anything for some time,
I got you covered in my soul tonigh...
Sunday 25th June 2017 6:24 am
Give me peace.
Snow White.
Nose slimes, chem drips down my throat slice.
Sniffling spit the blow fly.
Cascades of emesis, Sinus bled red . Sniffing flakes of flesh an flem.
Razor stained, Tickling my neck again,
As I Dance with death.
The phantom stands demands my breath.
Wrestling the mirrors reflect.
Stare still into the pillars of wreck.
Spirits turn spirit-less,
Liquor fill, Spill and drench.
Monday 19th June 2017 9:24 am
Nights are cold
And yet those nights are cold,
without the warmth of another soul.
Having this desire of speaking with the dark,
to urge something to feel...
And yet it remains what it is,
what it is the dream and what it is the reality of the dream.
Friday 9th June 2017 3:53 am
Somewhere between places
I've been here before...
Somewhere between places,
somewhere I can't escape.
Tell me.
Does it feel the same or does it feel different this time?
Am I just a memory with no feelings left or am I something you still look for in your dreams?
I may not know and never will...
But maybe not knowing is better.
For me, I am only me.
Something you can't simply replace.
Friday 9th June 2017 3:48 am
Thoughts on a calmer day
It has been too long in this paradigm,
We should have never embraced but now
Has swallowed us up and pushed us into the claws
Of mediocrity. And we,
Part of an elaborate facade that has
Left the mind oblivious
So much, this narrative outburst may almost feel awkward
Amidst earthly gestures of a shallow design.
Burdened by ambitions of a distorted intellect,
Falling onto ...
Sunday 4th June 2017 2:52 pm
Thoughts on the Train
It's hot in here.
Is it just me who's sweating?
I look around and everyone seems to be in their own word,
Their little bubbles...
Yet here I stand feeling all eyes on me.
Please, don't stare.
The door opens as people rush to leave.
Push and shove,
Push and shove,
As the newcomers join us.
Please stand clear of the closing doors...
Saturday 3rd June 2017 1:29 am
Paper Planet Spinner Kid
Common sense would dictate
That when a website uses the concept of pounds...
...I think they're pounds? Maybe?
Well, that should indicate the base of operations; Britan.
...United Kingdom...?
Maybe just.....generally European?
My knowledge of globes, that explain the world in quilted patches is small. I only recall that lines we're drawn with sticks at some point and dec...
Wednesday 31st May 2017 1:42 pm
A Hearts Prose
I didn't think I could love anymore.
That intimate passionate naive love seemed extinct.
I could see why he was so in love with her, she was lovable. I felt a hint of jealousy but of their love not of her or him. She had what i once had with him and I longed for that whether it was with or without him. I just wanted to fall stupidly in love like I had in high school before I knew how harsh l...
Thursday 2nd March 2017 9:49 am
My Thoughts Are Stars
"My thoughts are stars I cannot fathom into constellations." - John Green
They all glow with varied fury
with raging heat, emitting light
Each a small piece of a story
or a character in the night
Some will capture brief attention
as they streak across my sky
Dipping in and out of focus
fleeting past my mind’s dull eye
A few twinkle in sheer beauty
in buoyant reds and...
Tuesday 17th January 2017 6:53 pm
Tell me I'm broken
Tell me that it's too late to glue all the pieces back together
Like a shit mosaic we made when there was nothing better to do
My body is a vinyl that no one's played in years
Scratched and distorted but the music is still the same just heard by different ears
If my body is a temple in which my mind is the God of it's intention
Then I must surely be an athiest
...Saturday 14th January 2017 11:52 pm
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