The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 60 days, 10 hours. Get details and Enter.

kisses (Remove filter)


Forever ago may seem 
like 20 years of gray,
but I live forever every day.

There is no escape.

It's not the passion I miss,
I keep that memory sealed 
in a concrete kiss.

It's the lyrical 
soul connection
that went on months

before our egos
got in the way. 

In the forever between
tears and heartbreak, 

we managed 
to find ourselves 

and our destiny, here 
on this pag...

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connectiondestinyforeverheartbreakkissesmusepassionpoetrypoetsstar-crossed loveTearstime

True Love

Have I loved?
Yes, on the spectrum,
towards the sacrificial side.
Silencing my soul,
losing my identiy.
Endless nights
crying myself to sleep.
I sometimes think I would have
preferred an easy love
bouquets of rainbow colored daisies,
sparkling teeth,
a passionate love,
French kisses in Rome,
ruffled sheets,
a forever love,
hugs, holding hands, 
finishing each other's sentences...

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blank pagekisseslovelove poemslove poetryRomeSilencesoulMusewriter's groups

Winter Sundays

We know each year it comes to us
Darkness, to bright cold winter days
The greens become a golden yellow
Before bareness reveals ageing old oaks
Yet cousins stay that darker luscious green 
And brave red berries are to be born again
In time for their festive December displays

Birds, squirrels, foxes and rats still search
To find enough to live in our way 
Close enough, but not as our pre...

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Abandoned Houses

Take me to the woods to rip out my soul -

Kill me and bury me in a deep, dark hole.

Kiss me,


In abandoned houses,

Listening to my heart scream -

Drowing out the loudness.

Photos forever of jumping trampolines,

And a mother suffering silently,


Sleeping on the floor with the sick kittens -

Wondering where I put the sandwich I bit in

Which tree...

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kisseslovelovelymental healthpassionpoempoetry

Death of a loved one.

On a cold chilly night
I sat and watched
my one true love
slowly die.

Then falling from the sky
was the first snow fall
just right before
she took her last breath.
She then whispered
her last goodbye
and kissed me once more.

Not a second later
her body went cold,
no heart beat was heard,
and no more life inside her.

The angels have took her
to a better place
where she was gi...

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better placedeathkisseslost loved onewishing

Close calls and near misses

Close calls and near misses,

Is it really worth it for drunken kisses?

No, that’s just letting off steam, like when a kettle hisses, 

It’s the soul kisses that leave your brain in eclipses.


Remaniises, of what was once tender, 

Maybe it’s better to be drunk, so your mind doesn’t render

This kiss important, gets scrambled in the mental blender

So you can lie abo...

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real liferhymekisses

Soft Summer Reverie

A small expression about being on the expanse of a windswept field, whatever the season, really, but placed in the golden, summery panorama in this poem. Please enjoy!
Amber reeds, pliant 
in the summer wind 
swaying, dancing-
                     now syncopated
and back again
shouting then singing xanthine etudes

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