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Goodwill (Remove filter)

The Goodwill Wheel

Staggering beside the carts, like dull warhorses,

we stumble along endless tracks and mud-souped ditches,

always stooped, intent upon the next step.

Rattling behind, grisly chains of disarticulated bones,

tied by tendons and ligaments, trail beyond past horizons,

 a century of war.

Rainbows always cry.

The holly bears a bloody fruit.

All victors ethically vanquished.


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If It Started This Christmas

As the year moves ever closer to it’s end,
I wish to call out to each and every friend,
to say I wish them all peace and goodwill,
with plenty to eat & even some wine to spill.

The greatest gift I could wish to see for us all,
would be peace and love forever, so that we’d recall,
it started one Christmas and was then always adored,
I believe if we share goodwill we never would be bored.


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ChristmasPeaceLoveOne WorldGoodwill

Master and Commander

Master and Commander


Spreading kindness is not as easy as it should be,

Light years ahead this world of worlds,

And what’s not preserved will slip through mid-earth,


Medicated America suffers,

Morals are seldom thought of,

Our jaded youth trudges on,


We collapse on the front lines,

No one can save us,

Because we see our neighbors in turmoil and turn away,


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goodwillnew beginningshealingmoralerecovery

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