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daughters (Remove filter)


Brothers of sand

Holding signs, I am a man 

Daughters of dust

Holding signs life in her gut


Fathers of the past

Never thought how long this would last

Mothers of the movement

Never thought so many forget their commitments.


Brothers of man

Fictional to control and command

Daughters of woman

Subjected to the desire of lust


Fathers of the future


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BotherscommunityDaughtersfamilyFathersMothersPoetry 2020

Fibonacci on the last school run

A spider's chandelier with Gatsbyesque enticement

indulges the mumbling aphid's lament,

red berries decorate the fringe of a melodic carousel of swallows

whilst two more riders swirl their eyes and caw.

This was just the mornings...


On evenings we saw raves-

black v's in tye-dye skies,

a ginger stoat did the caterpillar,

frozen ozone refracts a mobile of rainbows.


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daughtersgrowing up in the countryside

Quoth Both


My daughter brought a Jackdaw in the house

And grief introduced itself


Melancholic and wounded

It hunched in the corner of the room

She fed him her loving eyes

Bread in tweezers

And named him Poe


Then this sanctuary

Took him

She phoned every night

He was mending well and with the magpies...

He was in the biggest aviary...

He was set free.

But w...

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