hypocrites (Remove filter)
For The Many-Not The Few
He was not crucified for me,
And not for him, nor her, nor thee,
That gentle Jesus meek and mild,
Once graced our world, unknowing child,
In manhood, he in wisdom grew,
Spoke for the many, not the few,
He chose to face injustice’s sword,
And hypocrites with his spoken word,
They, who place burdens on the poor,
Which they can not themselves endure,
Those misery-made cr...
Friday 6th January 2023 12:16 pm
Hatred Junkie
Fake nostalgia spews out from your head
For a sepia England that was never there
Hatred junkie, you know
Where the blood river flows
Feel the bile at your knees
Marching bands drown out your higher brain
Blaring voices drive your soul insane
Hatred junkie, you feel
Like a cog on a wheel
Grinding so out of time – after time
God made you useless
...Tuesday 18th June 2013 1:03 pm
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