The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 54 days, 1 hour. Get details and Enter.

protecting the environment (Remove filter)

The Redwood Tree

Hello, said the tree.

Thank you for planting me.

I think I’m going to like it here.


I love trees, said the little boy.

And I love you.

You are a special tree.


All trees are special, said the sapling.

I will always be here

Watching over you and your children’s children.


How long can you stay here? How old will you get?

Will you live for ever and ever?


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treesprotecting the environmentnaturesequoiaredwood

100 Feet Tall


Walking home from school instead 

of turning left I turned right

before me stood such a sight

all blue and green it stood 100 feet tall 

though not the least bit mean

I’m sure of this his smiled so bright  

brought a warmth to my heavy heart 

because today in class I had to start 

reading how we’re hurting our 

mother the good Mother Earth 

with fires that burn f...

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protecting the environmentrespectenviroment



Many who had hiked through Canadian wilderness

[ A cenutry ago ] Took notice of a bird in flight


A rare one the Ojibwa called

Washa-quon-asin--He who flies by night


At once: a hunter, a guide, a trapper

A living made from the furs in his sight


A rare one the Ojibwa called

Washa-quon-asin--He who flies by night


Into his forest lair, he...

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Grey OwlCanadian historyEnglish historyprotecting the environment

The Bride of Necklace of Tales

By: Ali Taha Alnobani To the leaders of our world © 2011 by Ali Taha Alnobani
Thus the sea was
A bride who has a necklace of tales
A world of love
Dancing in dales
And a glass of wine
Sparkling of delight
In her loosely might
Blue and white
She was yours
She was mine
Thus love was
Two warm hands under a...

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Environmentprotecting the environmentearthnaturemotorways and nature lifeEcologyworldlifepeacewar to peacePeace Justice Woman Poewer

Stop The Rape of the Fair Country Poetry Competition


Poetry   Competition


There will be an Anthology of 100 poems titled

“The Black Hole” for sale in August 2012.

Closing date: 30th June 2012.


The Black Hole theme is to get your views on opencast mining, the area around the opencast, such as Rhaslas pond, the wetlands & wildlife, & what living close to an opencast feels like. Also what effect you think it would h...

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Poetry competitionanti opencast miningSouth Wales ValleysJudges announcedMike Jenkins Merthyr PoetDave Lewis Pontypridd Poetprotecting the environmentnaturewildlifeprotecting nesting sitesrare birds

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