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Child's Play


Guiltily guiltily think
the thoughts are soon what stink
the mind is like
a rusty trike
with pedals out of sync

Victory victory now
there isn't a method how
the present is
the place we live
what's now we must allow

this subtle trickery lie
to think we must comply
the truth is one
the nose will run
a lie we must defy





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Vexing Valentines

Just a bit of fun for today.....


On Valentine’s Day I would take

A gorgeous girl out for a steak;

As she looked in my eyes,

It will be no surprise,

That that is when I came awake.



On this Valentine’s Day I’m alone

So I spend all day long on the phone

I still don’t have a date

I’ve accepted my fate

I’ll just stay here at home on my own



On Va...

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A sensitive fellow from Bicester

Told his ex girlfriend how much he'd missed her

Her laughter, her friends,

The romantic weekends;

But mostly the nude games of Twister

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