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Gentle Vs Wicked

Muddled minds with cruel plan,

And the vicious journey began

Each one deranged in its own way;

Missed to reflect the price to pay


Lies interwined everywhere;

Living the life in intense fear

The puppets were dancing to the demon's move;

Shaking the heads left and right,

Twisting the words like brain-dead


Now came an innocent heart;

Doesn't play mind games

All it needed was the knowledge to explore;

Thus it took this brave tour


Kindness was unbound;

Every query asked was considered,

And responded with utmost care

Never looked down on anyone;

Hoping it's presence can help someone


Time & Energy were sucked out,

Leaving it to wonder!

Decided to play along & bring out the truth;

Realised! In the world devoid of compassion,

It's tough for the benevolent soul


Rather than wasting its time further,

Decided to move out;

Hoping someday lessons will be learnt

And the world will be kind again!


real lifeworld


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