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The Divan

I look at myself, and see the abyss
In the mirror, where time slips away
And the cruel emptiness takes me whole
Like a distant echo that life betrays

What is pain, if not a flame
That burns without being explained?
It is a torment that is not mine
But invades me, devours me under the moonlight

The divan calls me, but what is the divan
If not a well, where the soul is lost
In words th...

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For Under a Vowel Sounded Sky (And a Poetry Collection)

I've almost finished writing the poetry collection. This needs refining but the introduction will be something along the lines of this:

'The following collection is one of love. Each poem can be read on its own but together they tell the story of a year long relationship between two lovers, through their lust, their heartache, their love and their turmoil. It is not my own tale.'


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