The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 60 days, 18 hours. Get details and Enter.

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divan (Remove filter)

The Divan

I look at myself, and see the abyss
In the mirror, where time slips away
And the cruel emptiness takes me whole
Like a distant echo that life betrays

What is pain, if not a flame
That burns without being explained?
It is a torment that is not mine
But invades me, devours me under the moonlight

The divan calls me, but what is the divan
If not a well, where the soul is lost
In words th...

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I remember beds with springs,

women ever soft, even petite,

love-making was a noisy affair

neighbours would have a treat


svelte then women did seem

slender was the salient word

they slipped out of their shifts

took time to get them stirred


first you snuggled to get warm

well before gas central heating

when you got into your rhythm

a thin mattress took a b...

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