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transgender (Remove filter)


I wake up wrong

Every single time

And I'm stuck

Hoping one day 

It'll be right

That the voice 

In my head

Will be mine

That I can talk

Not just in rhyme

Don't get me wrong

I love my life

But I'd change 

Some things

That's not a lie

But I hope the future 

Will be mine

When I look back

Now's not a bad time

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Fixed my binder

Ripped my tights

Gave bad dating advice

In a uniform 

that doesn't fit me right


I walked the walk

I fought the fight

I danced to Chappel Roan

With all my might

Cause I love the dance

And I love my friends

So I'll stay in a skirt

Until the end

If it means that I can

Spend more time with them

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I'm just like you

I’m just like you

Now I won't sleep

Staying up till

Half past three

‘cause I feel more like

Myself than usually


I’m just like you

Shirtless on the floor

Please ignore the binder

I have been a guy all day

For fourteen hours straight

Please respect the grind 

The fourteen hour pain


I’m just like you

I’m just pretend

Only awake till half past ten


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n. an act or instance of damaging or altering something radically (03/02/2024)

they call it.

like i’m a butcher
in search of meat to cleave,
and rather than stain my knife
on the skins of bleating livestock
or sweat over a hunt or chase,
i choose the path of least resistance:
myself, my flesh, my matter—
so naïve and unknowing,
defenceless in the face of change.

as if the weight
i mean to carve away
isn’t unwelcome or di...

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lgbtqtransgenderbodily autonomyfreedom

Becoming Who You Are. A Transgender Journey

You are born in this world.


Born to a mother and father.


Born to be a son or a daughter.


The mould is set.


Your gender announced to the world.


Like permanent ink on a banner.


Its a boy! ,Its a girl!


Its a baby!




You learn to toddle.


Pretty pink delicate things,


Are given as gifts.


But you’d rather play...

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Buddhism 101

The root of all suffering.

Being and non being.

Body constantly at odds with the mind.

Do i choose body or mind. 

A paradox, a kunundrum, enantiodromia.

Dysphoria is real.

How can I be so sick and at the same time be so well. 

Disease, a state of being at Ill ease with a state of being. 

The binary code runs deep. Greater than a social construct. 

Male to Female, Yin/ Ya...

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buddhismsufferingtransgenderlgbtbinarybinary codeyin and yangsocial

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