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Orate Fratres - Brothers, Let us Not Prey

Orate Fratres

Our raison d’être? to fulfil the Lord’s prophecy!

For we are the Tory Party at prayer;

Prayerfully, we arrange the country’s economy

So the wealth of our friends should never be impaired.

Jesus preached that: ‘the poor will always be with us’,

In fulfillment whereof, we his Kingdom prepare;

Let us implement with care, Austerity’s cuts,

With the deserving p...

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Austeritythe poorJesusfor the many not the few

Jack's Story

First they came for freedom of speech, but I did not speak out

Because my sources told me what I wanted to hear, 


Then they came for the Poor, but I did not speak out 

Because I was not poor, 


Then they came for the Trade Unionists, but I did not speak out 

Because I was not a Trade Unionist, 


Then they came for the Socialists, but I did not speak out 


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freedom of speechthe poortrade unionistssocialistsrefugeesPalestiniansJewsmental health servicesFire ServiceAmbulance ServicePolice ServiceNHSCancer

Hurrah for the Blackshirts!

Oh-and the Refugees and immigrants in Merseyside (according to  UK Home Secretary Suella Braverman).

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Daily MailBlackshirtsthe poor

For The Many-Not The Few

He was not crucified for me,

And not for him, nor her, nor thee,

That gentle Jesus meek and mild,

Once graced our world, unknowing child,

In manhood, he in wisdom grew,

Spoke for the many, not the few,

He chose to face injustice’s sword,

And hypocrites with his spoken word,

They, who place burdens on the poor,

Which they can not themselves endure,

Those misery-made cr...

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Jesushypocriteswhited sepulchresthe poorprayer

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