The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 52 days, 10 hours. Get details and Enter.

Note: No profile exists for this entry - most likely it was deleted.

Jack's Story

First they came for freedom of speech, but I did not speak out

Because my sources told me what I wanted to hear, 


Then they came for the Poor, but I did not speak out 

Because I was not poor, 


Then they came for the Trade Unionists, but I did not speak out 

Because I was not a Trade Unionist, 


Then they came for the Socialists, but I did not speak out 

Because I was not a Socialist, 


Then they came for people who spoke with the wrong accent, but I did not speak out 

Because I spoke with the right accent, 


Then they came for the Refugees, but I did not speak out 

Because I was not a Refugee, 


Then they came for the Palestinians, but I did not speak out 

Because I was not a Palestinian, 


Then they came for the Jews, but I did not speak out 

Because I was not a Jew, 


Then they came for the mental health services, but I did not speak out 

Because I did not use mental health services, 

Then my army veteran brother was diagnosed with PTSD and he ended up on the streets, 


Then they came for the Fire Service, but I did not speak out 

Because I did not use the Fire Service, 

Then my sister’s house caught fire, but they couldn’t get there in time, 


Then they came for the Ambulance Service, but I did not speak out 

Because I did not use the Ambulance Service, 

Then my mum had a fall in the street but had to wait an hour on the pavement for an ambulance, 


Then they came for the Police Service, but I did not speak out 

Because I did not use the Police Service, 

Then my house was burgled, but they couldn’t spare anyone to investigate, 


Then they came for the National Health Service, and I did not speak out 

Because I did not use the National Health Service, 

Then cancer came for me, 


Then my health insurance expired,


Then I lost my job, 


Then I lost my mental health, 


Then my home, 


Then my life, because there was no one left to help ME. 


freedom of speechthe poortrade unionistssocialistsrefugeesPalestiniansJewsmental health servicesFire ServiceAmbulance ServicePolice ServiceNHSCancer

◄ Insult to Injury

Illegal Refugees Bill = The Bill that IS Illegal ►


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Mon 20th Feb 2023 11:03

I think this poem sums up the old expression "I'm alright Jack" and an inability to empathize within society. Most of us can be manipulated by what most affects us, and we have to live with a wide variety of what's acceptable and rejectable without going completely bonkers.


Uilleam Ó Ceallaigh

Sat 18th Feb 2023 11:10

Thanks for the clarification Greg.

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Greg Freeman

Sat 18th Feb 2023 11:05

There's no plagiarism issue here, of course. Many people have adapted the original words over the years. The main sentiment continues to ring true, and needs to be passed on, from generation to generation.

Uilleam Ó Ceallaigh

Sat 18th Feb 2023 09:58

Hi Reggie's Ghost.
As far as poetry's concerned, I'm mainly self-taught and have very little knowledge of copyright law.

To reproduce someone's poetry -whether or not it's within copyright- and to deliberately pass it off as one's own is clearly dishonest. If it is within copyright, that's probably unlawful.

As for music, I would imagine the permission to commercially use someone else's work which is within copyright -say in an advert-whether or not it was accompanied by one's own words, would involve a hefty fee.

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Reggie's Ghost

Sat 18th Feb 2023 09:24

I suppose I'm thinking of TV jingles for example where they use a familiar pop tune and change some of the words.

Uilleam Ó Ceallaigh

Sat 18th Feb 2023 09:14

Sorry Reggie's Ghost, I don't understand your question.

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Reggie's Ghost

Fri 17th Feb 2023 14:52

Is it just the words though?

Uilleam Ó Ceallaigh

Thu 16th Feb 2023 13:56

Thanks all for comments and likes.

Depending on which version one reads (of about 3, which may or may not be in the public domain-in the UK+USA ) , about 3 lines of my post are from the original; the rest is my own work.💓

Uilleam Ó Ceallaigh

Thu 16th Feb 2023 13:21

Thanks for your comment Reggie's Ghost.
A "run of bad luck"?
Not me personally, but there are plenty out there who HAVE.
Poetic licence on my part, "walking a mile in the shoes of others", or something.

As I said: My piece is an "imitation........".

An instance of plagiarizing, especially a passage that is taken from the work of one person and reproduced in the work of another "without attribution".

The purloining or wrongful appropriation of another's ideas, writings, artistic designs, etc., and "giving these forth as one's own";

specifically, the offence of taking passages from another's compositions, and publishing them, either word for word or in substance, "as one's own; literary theft."

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Reggie's Ghost

Thu 16th Feb 2023 11:51

Uilleam, you and members of your family seem to have had an extraordinary run of bad luck.

Is this piece plagiarism? Maybe, maybe not.

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Stephen Gospage

Thu 16th Feb 2023 07:45

Well done, Uilleam. Solidarity has to be the watchword!

Uilleam Ó Ceallaigh

Wed 15th Feb 2023 15:46

Thanks Hélène.
My piece is an imitation of the post-WW II confessional writing of the German Lutheran pastor Martin Niemöller (1892–1984).

The smug complacency of ALL groups or individuals who assume that, because of who they are, they are free of guilt when it comes to allowing / committing injustice, needs to be tackled head on.

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Wed 15th Feb 2023 13:22

Powerful, reaches expansively to create empathy for the multitudes of folks suffering in this world. Thank you Uilleam for this poem.

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