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the other side (Remove filter)

The Silent Ones

Another one from the archives, this one written some time after the death of my grandfather which would put me at about 16 at the time i think.  


When the sky is dark, and the wind is cold,

And the rain comes down, fold on fold,

Remember us.  The silent ones

In the numbness of the Earths tight hold.

You cannot see us, or hear us talk,

But right beside you we will walk.


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The Other Side (Space Poem)

Looking back now,
the space between us
was like looking through
a sheet of ice
from the other side.


The space between us
was as timeless
as the void between
earth and Mars.
A mirage
like Saturn’s rings
in all of their
haunting beauty.
The space in-between us
was an intense as
the purple evening sky
soaring over
the nearby street lights

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