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the city (Remove filter)



[tarmac touch supply chain shackle

dead land sprung mixing

business flow pleasure

cargo fed artery drip



green belt boundary destination

misplaced motor-way expansion

catharsis false anatomy

road sweep strategy

cultural access invader hard shoulder


systematic appetite number

lowest common denominator

stamped queue disc...

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poemthe cityurbanizationModernlifeevolutionHumanityPeopleCommercialism

The City









I am on a crowded

city sidewalk,

the crowd sgueezes,

shoves and pushes.

Like blood through

a too small artery.


Claustrophobia threatens

to swallow me.

A small opening appears,

I rush to it. But it quickly

fills in and once again,

the crowd squeezes, shoves

and pushes.


I reach my desti...

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claustrophobiathe citycrowds

Can You Hear The People Sing?

They dwell in strange rooms
the murky recesses of affordability
barely buildings, bedrooms with sinks
chair pushed up against the door
flakes of lives flung everywhere
A curtain, a quilt - who can really say?

A bare bulb hangs in an open window
no shade inside from day or night
Still lives go on; the rudimentary,
ramshackle, clutching at homeliness
the need for shelter unites us all

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citylondonmovingthe city

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