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Have you ever used a bidet

For washing feet or bits?

Or played a round of croquet

Had high tea at the Ritz?


Are you good with 12 bore shotguns

When on a peasant shoot?

Is your name too double barrelled

Are your family full of loot?


Have you eaten oysters, caviar

Or used a butter knife?

Do you know what canapes are

Are Defenders on your drive?


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The rich know how to shit

through the eye of a needle,

a matter of willpower


big loans for research

from big mates at good rates

hysterical really.


They consort with Gods

pass through front doors

while others wait round the back

just using the loos

with everything to lose

hysterical really


how clearly the definition becomes

when you...

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the trickle down poetics

coiffed, varnished, double dipped,

lay waste the oubliette of empathy


no balm, no salve

shall expel the foreign body that

thorns it’s path in the digital red apnoea

of each choked fallen promise

as they steal your desecrated breath


your lips are still moving


your lips are still moving even

as your face turns blue


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