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The Call pt one

Hey hello how do you work this damn thing

I never had a problem till you walked in 

What a shame i was a better man 

Then i let curiosity take its chance but its amazing do you agree 

Is the line busy 

Dont matter you grabbed me by the throat with a rope now im waiting on you to hang up on me 

Im the same one they left hanging when it was cold out chilling on the backstreet


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Lawpolice killinghealing

Lady Liberty Weeps

Lady Liberty Weeps


In a Minnesota precinct

On a Minnesota street

The day starts like any other

For the Baton Rouge elite

In the land of the brave

In the land of the free

A cop with a pistol

Shoots liberty

A man reaches for a wallet

With a target on his back

Red white and blue

All the patrolman sees is black

Where the gun is law

The sheriff of the west


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gun lobbyinjusticeminnesota shootingpolice killingrace violence

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