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lettinggo (Remove filter)

half a boomerang

you were the one I called when I was crying,
the one I texted when I thought I was dying,
the one I wanted to see on a bad day,
you made all my troubles go away,
then it all tore apart,
I sat there and cried in the dark,
I waited for your text,
just a simple "hi",
finally you come back,
trying to walk into my life,
I'll never look at you the same,
the memories starting to fade,
you'll ...

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Why did this happen?

Why did we go a drought?


Why the hell did you hurt me?

Why the heck didn’t I say ouch?


Why didn’t you just tell me you hated the way I laugh?

Why couldn’t I tell you I hated you because you cheated in the past?


Why did you talk to me like a dumb dog?

Why didn’t I tell you that your pride was too strong?


Why didn’t you say, “ I never ...

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