The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 60 days, 0 hours. Get details and Enter.

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Evening Routine

As I look around my comfortable prison,
I see my reflection in Sony’s single glass eye.
It’s dark and lifeless as he rests,
Waiting for his ward to point,
To burst into a technicolour song and dance
For the blank eyed audiences gormless pleasure.

I tense at the approaching vibrations,
The feline padding of tiny furred feet.
Rubbing against my legs, the vindictive threat
And intentions t...

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Pat Ethiopia on the back than stab it in the back

We are afraid
As we give you aid
We have the liberty
To maneuver your head
To the extent your are
Deprived a go ahead
To tend
Your  self-development
And self -reliance

"When money speaks
the truth is silent"
If you want to continue
Our client
Remember you're macilent
So  try not to be violent
Fighting back  with" Though
I'm poor I 'm somebody!"
'Cause,snobbish, we may ...

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