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divine intervention (Remove filter)

Falling Apart

Sometimes it doesn’t go the way

you thought it would at all.


Sometimes the pieces all line up

though randomly they fall.


Sometimes I guess you’re better off

just following your heart.


Cuz sometimes it can still work out…

though you’re falling apart.

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destinydivine interventiongod's hand

Beautiful Queen

Manon French Canadian Beautiful Queen

Sparkling eyes angelic serene

For every Queen must have a crown

God blessed her

A platinum garland was sent to her

God's Purest most stunning jewel was lent to her

Breathtaking beauty too precious for earth

Stefany crowned from birth

Melissa sweet as the honey in her name

Honey bee she gives strength to her Queen

Manon, Melissa he...

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Faithloss of a daughterStefanymanoncrowndivine intervention

Four seven sixteen

Dark woods under an evening of a perfect golden sky full of stars 
Wind in our faces,unspoken words,and a few exchanged glances
Everything feeling so pure and beautiful with each drizzle
Yet closer than ever
........And then,I missed you even though you were right beside me
An aura of magnificent & heavenly
Like Time standing still
in that moment and I swear
Our souls sparked and...

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bitter sweetblank versedivine interventionpoison ivyWhimsical

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