The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 54 days, 13 hours. Get details and Enter.

day 14 (Remove filter)

For Whom The Hammer Tolls

For Whom The Hammer Tolls


Dreaming of a hammer

A slow arc of deadly intent

A shaper of metal


The clang of contact

On a wrought iron anvil

That resonates threat


The white-hot sparks

From the red-hot ingot

As it succumbs


Weighing its power

In the palm of your hand

With a smack of skin


Its dull grey mass

Balanced perfectly

On a sha...

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napowrimo2018day 14dreamhammermeaningcreatordestroyer

Death May Be The King Of Terrors

Death May Be The King Of Terrors


Each brush stroke of a word painter

Smeared bloody crimson red

Seen through eyes that recognise

The things that can’t be touched

Behind accumulated layers of gore

Where shadows are the surface

What is felt is hidden behind

What is seen 


So your mind fills in the gaps

gives corporeality to the phantom

even as the scalpel ni...

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napowrimo2020day 14stephen kinginfluencemaster of horrorwriterimagination

Raising The Standards (With Banners Held High)

Raising The Standards (With Banners Held High)


You said that you wanted a land fit for heroes,

a place to call home that they’d show off with pride

but somewhere along the way you forgot

the reasons they fought and the reasons they died.


They thought they were fighting for honour and justice,

suppressing the tyrants and saving our land -

but returned to a country tha...

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day 14NaPoWriMo 2019with banners held high 2019homphone. homographhomonymsocialist perspective on history

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