Poetry for Schools (Remove filter)
The Black Pudding Hunt
The Black Pudding Hunt by K J Walker (Repost. Poetry For Schools)
It was during the great pork pie famine
Of nineteen seventy-one
When kids were all crying with hunger
And everyone suffered, bar none
With no cod in the chippy
We ate old kipper ties
The villagers were all hungry
And missing those water crust pies
They sent relief aid from...
Thursday 7th February 2019 9:08 pm
Monochrome Days: (Poetry for Schools)
Monochrome Days: (poetry for schools)
In the '50s and early '60s
gas was still the norm
in city streets and passageways;
at home to keep us warm
And during bleak mid-winters
when people used more coal
the air was thick and foggy
and illness took its toll
Us children knew no better;
life had always been like this
sore throats and runny noses
were i...
Wednesday 6th February 2019 3:40 pm
The Totter From Toulouse
The Totter From Toulouse by KJ Walker
a re-post. (Poetry for Schools)
He had ten ton of turnips
In the turn-ups of his trews
His beard was bathed in Bakelite
And hung down to his shoes
A wicked watch fob weighed his weskit
His hanky blew the blues
He trudged from Treen to Tottenham
………. The Totter from Toulouse
He went in… the outdoor… backwards
...Tuesday 5th February 2019 8:55 pm
The Cockroach (Poetry for Schools)
The Cockroach: (poetry for schools)
An elephant and a cuckoo
had been friends for many years,
then one day a cockroach
reduced them both to tears
He told them of the hardships
endured by bugs like him,
of being despised by mankind
and how he lost a limb
Being forced to live in sewers
and cellars, dark and dank
had given him rheumatism
arthritis an...
Tuesday 5th February 2019 5:38 am
Kevin the Chameleon Astronaut
Kevin, the Chameleon Astronaut
As he sat in his space ship
young Kevin knew that soon
he’d be the first chameleon
to walk upon the moon.
He clambered down the ladder
in his special reptile suit,
his high tech lizard helmet
and his little welly boots.
He wandered round the surface
picked up a rock or two
then Kevin came to realise
there wasn’t much to d...
Friday 21st July 2017 9:07 pm
Kevin the Chameleon Astronaut
Kevin, the Chameleon Astronaut
As he sat in his space ship
young Kevin knew that soon
he’d be the first chameleon
to walk upon the moon.
He clambered down the ladder
in his special reptile suit,
his high tech lizard helmet
and his little welly boots.
He wandered round the surface
picked up a rock or two
then Kevin came to realise
there wasn’t much to d...
Friday 21st July 2017 9:07 pm
Light & Shade
‘Light is life, and life is joy’
sang merrily the choir boy
whose ruffle hung around his neck,
which yesterday was on the deck
pinned down by bullies in the yard.
His life at school was very hard.
At home the picture’s not too bright,
for mum and dad do nowt but fight
and sister’s having Conrad’s kid
whose Grandpa will be Uncle Sid.
So life is dark for choir boy James
who plays ...
Friday 7th July 2017 5:22 pm
The Dolly Peg
Now the mast that holds the sail,
Now the Captain of the ship
That billows on the rugged waves
‘Til teatime.
It can make a handsome man
Or a princess with a fan.
It’s a lever for a digger;
A dagger, a bird, a plane
A rudder; never the same
Make it whatever you fancy
Like I can!
Friday 7th July 2017 5:08 pm
It was blue
Cambridge blue
Bright and shiny
Almost new
- or so it seemed to me.
Made of tin,
With me sat in
It was a racer, then a tank;
Now a dustcart emptying bins
Along our street.
It went at some speed
With pedals, or feet
And a pull of the wheel
To get round that bend
- until ……
That day when the van came
And took it away
“To ...
Friday 7th July 2017 5:01 pm
The hills have masks
or at least that’s what I think dad said.
Walking the length of Warehouse Hill
you can see them over
the horizon: metal towers
with buttons of red lights
that we can see from everywhere.
We’ve got bags of
Chinese takeaway, and a free
bottle of pop because dad
told the lady it was my birthday.
I know I’ll remember this day
as long as I live,
...Wednesday 5th July 2017 7:19 pm
Another Year
The coal man is here again and from the flatbed
he unloads a ton of coal with tar black hands.
Watching from the window, we hide behind the curtain
and speak softly so as not to be heard. This is our world.
And I trick you with the question of which will weigh heaviest;
coal or feathers when delivered in equal measures.
But you push me away turning both eyes toward...
Wednesday 5th July 2017 7:08 pm
April Birthday
It rained forever and a day
and was freezing cold
the year you were six
and me forty two.
And it worried me sick
the thought of you;
inside forever, in bed,
not knowing what to do.
They’ll eat anything
your grandfather said,
but for two whole days
you missed your food.
And finally, unlike the sun,
cloudbursts of spots
on your nose, chin
Wednesday 5th July 2017 7:02 pm
The Football
Who would have guessed that a small tree
could be so vicious. All day you had kicked
the new football back and forth against
the gable of the red brick terrace and
not even the promise of ice cream could
coax you away, until the Blackthorn spoilt the game.
That’s when you ran back, holding the thing
with your thumb pressed white against its skin.
You begged me for some...
Wednesday 5th July 2017 6:59 pm
I'm a hedgehog and I'm full of spikes
I live in the undergrowth
and hate motorbikes.
I'm a hedgehog and full of fleas
but when I see a three-wheeler
I say 'God, help please!'
Wednesday 5th July 2017 3:46 pm
Severe Miss Gladstone
Miss Gladstone’s eyes are more severe
Than other teachers teaching here.
They swivel round then settle firm
on pupils who begin to squirm.
Like searchlights on a prison tower
Miss Gladstone’s eyes don’t look, they glower.
Not searchlights, no, more laser beams
that burn enough to make you scream.
Heads down, the class daren’t catch her eye
for fear that if they...
Tuesday 4th July 2017 10:58 am
Could you write a children's poem?
Calling budding Michael Rosens
Could you write a poem for primary school children? As part of our new initiative - Marsden, the Poetry Village – we’ve inspired local primary schools to bring poetry even more into the pupils’ routine. Not that they took much persuading, as the schools we have spoken to so far are clear of the value and the fun of poetry for children. Marsden Junior School has cr...
Tuesday 4th July 2017 10:55 am
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