The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 60 days, 19 hours. Get details and Enter.

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Paulyn Lloyd (Remove filter)

Just Being Real


I can say I love you, I won’t ever hurt you.

We will never grow apart, fall apart, I’ll never break your heart.

I can tell you I will give you the world and more.

I can sing your praises till my throat gets sore.

I can say everyday will be better than the one before.

I can make you believe I will never walk out the door.

I can talk a load of crap if that’s what you...

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LoverealtruePaulyn Lloydbullshit



If a bitch stands on her own two feet and defends herself when she is criticised.

Then yeah I’m a BITCH.     

If a bitch is real and exposes people when they’re chatting lies.

Then yeah I’m a BITCH.

If a bitch demands respect and holds her own.

Then yeah I’m a BITCH.

If a bitch still walks in greatness  even when she’s alone.

Then yeah I’m a BITCH

If a ...

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Paulyn LloydBitchrespecttruth

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