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May Collage Poem (Remove filter)

May 2024 Collage Poem: Windows on the World

Gibbons in Fakenham time the trains to Sandy Balls

Dwellers in the summer going somewhere where

            the dead watch the living


Dark, dusky silhouettes looming over us

Tight-lipped art revealed thru’

miraculously unbroken spectacles


Pass the chocolate Limes

These are the everyday resurections

the family blessedly released from the collision

the one you th...

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Windows on the WorldMay Collage PoemStockport WoL

May 2019 Collage Poem - Looking Up


Charles Bukowski turned up late

Daybreak at 80, never too late

Scrolling TV banter blown off the run


This skydiver is higher than a kite

Look up, it’s raining books

Pouring poetry across over step platforms

Stepping on to Platform Zero


Born into this life of looking up too much

The sky is too high, the battle too long.

Lost in the fog of war, always look u...

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Looking UpMay Collage Poem

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