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Inspirations (Remove filter)

My favourite things: one more time with real emotion

Caring crusaders and daring debaters

Emmeline, Greta, Ruth

Your voices sound loud with the bold toll of truth.

Uncowed and defiant. You refused to give in.

Life-changing campaigning is a wonderful thing.


Marathon runners: hard-trained and focused 

With miles in your strides

And pain hardly noticed.

Everyday heroes with strength in your limbs

Your drive and passion a...

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Reflections of Hope

Reflection of Hope

Expectations of our lives are many and strained, those caulis moments of shared indifference are timed weeds in the garden of human experience, shallow of meaning, breathless in compassion, seedless in deed.

Choices heeded in battle, in a common walk, a stroll through the neighborhood, peering from ones stoop as if the world was at curbside and nothing else waited beyond t...

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