Insects (Remove filter)
On My Wall
Ladybug, ladybug on my wall
It was there all summer, but now it's fall.
It was there all season, but never found reason
To stand and fight, or take off in flight.
It just clung there helpless.... on my wall.
Afraid to stand, afraid to fall.
Not really sure about its gender,
Just watched it miss out on life's spendor.
Was it waiting there for a man?
Or for someone el...
Saturday 23rd November 2024 9:58 pm
The Grammy goes to...
eager crickets sing in chorus
at the top of their lungs
gusts rustle leaflets
in the string section of dwarf palms
nervous gnat raises his falsetto
as high as he can
dragonfly’s baritone buzz
upstages her wingspan
pileated woodpecker plays his pine
keeping on the beat
tufted titmouse takes her tenor solo
melodic and neat
Friday 4th December 2020 8:57 pm
The moth with hob nailed boots
Every night about half past ten
there's tapping ont window
It's the moth with hob nailed boots
trying to find a weak spot before
he parascends
through shattered glass.
Nowt will keep this tiger away from lamp
He's kitted out with mess tin and webbing
he's all camouflage and clobber
obvious to the untrained eye
that he's been on manoeuvres behind enemy line...
Friday 11th May 2018 1:38 pm
Butterfly, flying free
Unaware of its destiny
Butterfly you are truly free
For yours is a path with certainty
You exist within the day
Falling victim to the night
But when the darkest hour comes
There is nothing, there is no fight
So as you flutter by my way
Without a single care
I envy you and your mortality
One such I cannot share
Wednesday 27th May 2015 7:26 pm
Homeless Fly
I'm a homeless fly
destined to die
destitute on the sidewalk.
No cakes for me on the kitchen side,
no conspiring against humans with my bride.
Left jilted by the absence of bathroom jihad.
Everyone speaks of the house fly,
they speak of it as a pest.
But all I have is a piss-stained alleyway
to truly call my nest.
I subsist on sic...
Saturday 7th July 2012 4:07 pm
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