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On My Wall

Ladybug, ladybug on my wall

It was there all summer, but now it's fall.

It was there all season, but never found reason

To stand and fight, or take off in flight.

It just clung there helpless.... on my wall.

Afraid to stand, afraid to fall.


Not really sure about its gender,

Just watched it miss out on life's spendor.

Was it waiting there for a man?

Or for someone else to give it a plan?

Willing to get caught in a spider's web

When it could have been soaring... instead.


Are you too content there in your shell

To embrace the creature inside?

And why are you so willing to dwell

Where your true self can safely hide?


NatureHuman NatureBe YourselfCourageInsectsGod

◄ This Little Bird

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