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Auracle on Emailed message
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Sunshine on The crystal lamp
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Sunshine on Slipperstale
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Sunshine on Slipperstale
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Holden Moncrieff on moment.
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Holden Moncrieff on Hark...
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Trevor Alexander on God Didn't Know What to Say
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Greg Freeman on PLAYTIME
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Delusions of Grandeur

How can you adore me one day

and forget I exist the next? 

Was I just another notch 

in your belt? 

Why can’t you see that your world is 

darker without me,

the one who loves you 


Someday it will all make sense.

Meanwhile, I’ll keep convincing myself

you still care.


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addictiondelusionslovemental illnessrelationships

second wind

My vitality feels resuscitated with every breathe we share

two halves of a heart

you are the oxygen that pumps, vestibule, pair of consonance heartbeats

bounce off the walls.

we jump up and down hand in hand

your touch warms through and lights a fire inside and around

sound mind when your whisper incites a riot

the night is charged, god particles in the air.

our souls dance...

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beautybreathehappinesslifelovelove makingnaturepoempoetryrelationshipsspiritualspirituality

A melody of love

Breathing on your skin
your body my canvas
with every brush of
my rosy lips,
the sound of 
my voice,
a melody of my
... love
 a never ending
... passion 
for you ...

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Spanish Rose

My beautiful Spanish Rose, 

  the most fragrant flower

    in a crowded garden,

      withstanding harsh winters

        and choking weeds

          to remain



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A morning kiss

Memories of a

long time ago ... fading slowly

I say goodbye to the sunset

while love

adores me

with a loving morning kiss

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lovehope. love

How could I forget


Oh my God
I can't forget
The way  you
Owned the road
In many a boy's heart
Leasing a foothold.

The way you  used
To sashay
Calls for an assay
To prove
You're composed of
Pure gold
To outsmart many
A girl 100 fold.

I bet
Your liquification
It is unmatched
To date.


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Where is the magic?

We all start out knowing magic.

We are born with hurricanes and whirlwinds,

oceans and galaxies inside us.

We are able to sing to birds and read the clouds

and see the destiny in grains of sand.

But we have forgotten the magic

and we feel without compass, alone and desperately,

only selfishness, only pain, fear and darkness.

But, magic of love has nev...

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How do I love? (Part 2)

How do I love?
Wondered the struggling eyes,
As sun's rays reached the pale face,
Into another morning of inquiry,
Whether to carry on or linger,
From, perhaps, a hope for two souls,
That had no home,
Wandering around,
Looking and searching,
For, if haven was impossible,
At least a shelter to thrive on,
But to only provide what it needs,
One must let go,
A sacrifice,
For hope to live...

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homelifelife's choiceslovepeace


You came in to this world

with enough light to find

your way out of the dark,

enough kindness to save a soul,

enough love to shift a planet.

Don't worry, you are enquipped

with all you could ever need.

Look with in,

you are drenched in magic.

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Percolated down to every bone

Via the phone
When I heard your voice
Having a friendly tone--
At long last you have won--
My diffidence and anxiety gone
An electrifying ecstasy
Charged my heart's zone,
Who fate was
To ceaselessly lament and moan.

The vein inundating feeling
You evoked, anon,
Percolated down to every bone
To each love thirst
To atone!


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lovelifehopesatisfactionunrequited love

One day

Share all the love
within your soul.
one day,
it will find
its way 
into your broken heart
... and stay.

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We Were Beautiful

The complication of those earrings
the texture of the paint around your eyes
the sun's highlights in your hair

The redness of those parting lips
such belief in everything we said
the pristine shape of your nose

Lying on the roof
your head close to my heart
summer blushing the sky
weren't we beautiful
weren't we beautiful then

Nothing to fret about
just prolong the passing day

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Go for the Glow

Go for the glow
of good health.

Go for the glow
of a clear conscious.

Go for the glow
of forgiveness.

Go for the glow
of dreaming fearlessly.

Go for the glow
of giving generously.

Go for the glow
of loving unconditionally.

Go for the glow
of a life well lived.


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Will you be mind?

My time

Is not mine

But our time

You’ve made your bed in my dreams

I lie in it


this isn’t me


I would part with my skin

If it weren’t attached 

And never look back


Each night when I close my eyes for sleep

I see you in my head

Your feet poke out one side of your bed

And oh,

It makes me giddy for you

And so,

I end up crawling in bes...

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BrainmindsubconsciousattachedDistancedreamfeelingsheartbreakloveMissingMovingon my mindroutineSleepthinkingwake

the strength of a begining and a end

give me the strength to make it threw this day 

                               i promise tommorow will be different i wont let my pride in the way 

today has been a battle of the mind and of the witt 

                              for my foe is the most deadly of apponent i must addmit 

you see this foe stands as my ego and it dont like to loose 

                            but if a...

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1983 died january 28for my brother jeffery david dyck born march 30lovelossdedicationtemptationtrust2017


Tranquility in your presents

doves pecking as our kiss is tending

lips lock our mind in a spell, as the doves sing their song, letters spelling in the air.

clouds draw me close for a better look

fractals in the nooks, lump to lump, baby rainbows extend their hand and shake with glee

telling my lover she is the best mother to be


She see's the beauty in my beastial nature, cal...

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*Tramsendental Love*

Here we both are

Side by side

Just for a few moments

On this Tram ride

Sharing a space

But in two different zones

Scrolling our screens

In the world of our phones

Who is he texting?

Well I wouldn't know

When he gets off

Where will he go?

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Lovelove poetry

My Silly Love Song (Apr 2018)

You are the sum of every silly love song. Every sweet melody. Your laugh is the soundtrack of my every daydream. Your voice is the lullaby that sings me to sleep every night, whether your head rests on the pillow beside mine or not. Your kisses pump the blood through my veins and give me strength when I'm feeling my weakest.
You play, I sing. We complete each other in all of the better ways. Anyo...

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Lovelove songromancerelationshipshappinessjoy

So Unexpected (Feb 2018)

I fell in love with the sound of your beating heart
With your slow, sweet kisses
I fell in love with your smile and the way my entire world is brighter in its presence
I fell in love with the way your hair curls behind your ears and the way your eyes sparkle when they're set on me
I fell in love with your words and the meaning and care behind each one
I fell in love with your mind and the con...

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LoveromanceRelationshipsnew beginningspoetry

Devotion and Desire

Your fingers strummed the strings of your guitar in a lazy, sleepy pattern as my consciousness began to drift
I inched as close to you as possible, molding my bones to yours as I seamlessly carved for myself a place at your side
Space was a silly idea, a concept at that moment we would never need to consider, should never consider
You played on as we laid together, my chest rising and falling a...

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Loveromancemarriagedevotionmarried lifemusicguitarlove and romanceintimacytouch

Inside my soul

I find myself... thinking
about you
Beautiful lyrics

In the sound of
In the calm
of soft rain, drizzling

In all the little things
and inside the
The deepest part
of my soul

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Dance with me

Dance with me

your hands in places

I crave you

kiss my neck


Dance with me

till the sun greets

whisper what you need

all your desires


Dance with me

the stars our only light

our bodies

the only warmth

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Third Eye Blind

Mind spinning faster than a cyclone.
Do this, do that ad infinitum.

Worry about things beyond my control
until the scowl line blinds my third eye.

Waste life surfing the net, 
following every link that promises to take me higher, 
faster, farther than the languid loop of my existence.

Why does it never seem enough?

I long to escape the stoic-ease,
walk hand-in-hand among redwood t...

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My thoughts





In the wind



In a raging storm




and finally


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