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Fasteners of Life

Fasteners of Life

Relationships are strange, uncertain things,
attaching two or maybe more in various ways,
accommodating personalities,
and unexpected eccentricities.

Marriage is a golden cufflink, bringing
two together with an understated flair.
Some have decorations with engraving,
while some are plain that compensate with shine.

Business partnerships behave like rubber bands,

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Insecure Wind ??


Feel my cool breath

on your skin

I saw you were dewy

and needed it

Did you catch my little rustle of the leaves? 


Stroll under those

old oaks and notice  

I make sounds

just like the ocean

Shhhhhhhhhh, can you hear my artistry?


My gentle breeze flirts

with your curls

Yet I destroy whole cities

with my whirls

Can’t you see how soft and strooo...

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For Lease


Empty space 
A hole to fill up 
A vacant vessel 
An empty lot 

This soul is for rent
At the cheapest price 
Give me joy, give me compliments 
And I'll make your night 

A house made a home 
And weekends made perfect 
Just tell me I'm pretty 
Make me feel worthy 

But take it away and I'll tear don these walls 
Rip this house to the ground 
And spit on the floor 


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mental health issuesrelationships

My love for you

You inspire me to be more than I am, 

It has been unconscious since our meeting.

I strive for your affirmation,

To have my hopes dashed by my own hubris.

My pinnacle is your salvation,

But just to conjoin myself to your journey is its own reward 

I am enamoured by your presence 

Your beauty is Maine's first solstice.

I could not delineate my narrative to you,

In fear of ...

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Pathetic Fallacy


Droplets fall 
And puddles pool
And I am feeling the chill of lonliness 

Thunder claps 
And rainfall quickens to a roar 
And my words fall on deaf ears 

The birds are hiding away 
And the sun won't come out to play 
And we are emotional strangers in our own home 

How many times can we talk about the same thing without it changing? 
How many rainy days will there be

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relationshipsrelationship problemsmarriage

The Sun’s Litany

My light, forever

Bright, proud, and true.

Would surely know if he was untrue?

His words a balm to desperate ears.

My body only what he holds dear?

Oh heart, emotions be.

Craving sweet shore of security.

Safe arms, to pull me close.

Cherish my heart, essence close.

Play and laugh with carefree joy,

Dance our hearth, 

Not destroy.

My warmth is strong to warm us b...

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break uplovemoonpoetryrelationshipsrisingspaceSun


Lockdown silence 

No sirens less police

Less street violence 


Growing Nature clear sky's less pollution

One year later vaccine..Solution 


And we're back again noises are louder

Pubs are open Alcohol white powder 


Fights with knives,battered citizens not just wives 

Schools back ..crowded street

Complaining teachers email repeat 


Back to normal yeah...

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Ptsdpandemic sadnesspandemicgratituderelationshipslove

My last night, in the flat we almost shared

You've already left.

537 miles North of me, of us.

I'll ruffle up to join you in four (agonising) weeks 

but to my unconcerned shame, 

I'm too sad to sleep in that bed without you, too ungoverned.


Nostalgia, even the warm kind, is too much feeling for me.

Something about it has always made my lipids curdle 

and an unpleasant tickle cloud in my brain.


The street ou...

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lovelove poetrylove poemsjealousyrelationshipssleepless nightmoonLockdown


Our Post people have connected us,
Through toil and love and loss,
Carrier Pigeons, magical storks
Delivering life to waiting Mums
Telegram boys of Shakespeare plays
Connecting lovers lost,
War-winning, code breaking messages
Relics of a past,

Suddenly more important,
Suddenly at all costs,
Suddenly irreplaceable,
Through the middle of this mess
 In the middle of our chaos...

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Wayward Souls

He kisses your shoulder, 

then your cheek. 

His touch makes your knees weak.

How do I know? 

Before you, and a dozen more,

it was me. 

Now, I’m a faded memory, 

as you will be. 

Don’t believe me? 

I too used to laugh at the absurdity. 

He could never leave me. 

As he grows older, 

his women get younger. 

Curiously, they look like me at 23. 

How cruel fate ...

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loverelationshipssoulmatesstar-crossed love

Todo el Tiempo

I think about you all the time,

without reason or rhyme.

You are like a tattoo,

on my mind. 

Todo el tiempo.

Enternal souls,


Dancing, dodging,

in this cosmos

for a little while.

Creating sparks of love, 

to lessen lonely nights,

and light up dark skies.


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loverelationshipssoulmatesstar-crossed love


We lose each other once in a while
We find ourselves in others
most of the time
We may meet some, fresh living and brand new
Forget about the ones we lost, completing one another

Or, on the contrary, at times
We meet again - how different
Forget about the new ones
And turn our faces to the bits of ourselves
we have missed in each other

We live through people
I live through you all

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The Misted Pane



I passed by a window

Where an old man smiled 

and misted up the dirty pane


Behind his eyes the sadness showed 

of every steep & rocky road

He'd had to climb


Next day I thought I'd call on him

And out he came

So pale and thin

-but with that smile


And graceful guile 


He said


in my mind, 

I'm as free as a summer breeze


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You and Me

Hold on to the dream,
of you and me,

floating free 
in air and sea. 

After all the drama,
a lifetime of battle scars,

it's still you and me,
for all eternity.

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The Walls We Built

I could not reach you

But how I sought to

How desperately I longed

To belong to you

But the walls between us

The ones you built

Stood far too strong

And far too tall

For me to reach


Oh, but how I tried

How relentlessly I cast my bleeding hands 

Against the jagged rocks and stones 

That kept me from you



But how I tried


And I wait...

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End rhymeshealinglong poemsrelationshipsnarrative poem

Different This Time

Pick and choose it

Place it

Move it

It's so beautiful- 

Isn't it beautiful?

I spin it and

Twist it

Flip it upside down

This way is better

I like this much better

Pull it

Shape it

Hold it together and 

Tape it 

I can make it

So much better

      This Time

I watch it and 

Play it

Over and over again


Change it

Arrange it

Won't ...

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end rhymeslovepoetryrelationships


I drink the elixir of your words

to calm my nerves,

to hear the crunch of leaves

on my way to brighter days,

to see another creative soul

soar above the chaos of a broken life,

to witness corrosion

turn to gold,

to prolong the beauty of this moment,




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my partner says

I can’t write anymore poetry.

until I take out the bins

complete that assignment 

(for which I’m paying thousands for the privilege)

and preferably have a shower


not out loud 

but I hear it in his sighs

and the way he closes the cupboard doors


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loverelationshipsliving togethercohabitationprocrastination

Shine On

Don't ever let anyone convince you 
to not share your soul songs. 

The weaponized words 
they hurl towards you, 
are formed from 
their own insecurities. 

You get one shot, 
in this time and space, 
accompanied by 
crabs in a bucket, 
and a host of other cliches,
determined to control 
your creative mind. 

Give in to dark energy,
and you become it. 

Rise above it. 

By sha...

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Abyssdarknessdepressionlifelightlost soulslovemusicpassionpeacepoetryrelationships

A Cautionary Tale

Come close if you must, 

to my heart of rust. 


Taste my sorrows

of ash and honey,


beneath the illusion 

of love and money. 


After the show, 

your life’s a mess, 

you’ll fall in line 

with the rest.


. . .


It’s not too late, 

to change your fate.


Turn away from a life 

of heartbreak.


What you seek 

is found within,


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Filtered Memories

Back seat kisses, 

backyard volleyball,


long walks in the woods, 

sunbathing on the beach, 

smiling, laughing,

talking for hours, 

holding hands, 

slow dancing to George Straight songs,

making love until dawn, 

falling asleep in each other’s arms...

Filtered memories, 

behind the sheer curtain of my mind,

or fantasies, 

found in a bottle

of ...

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