The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 53 days, 5 hours. Get details and Enter.

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The Rumour Mill...

Listen to them talking their sharing inane nonsense overheard but not by intention

Spreading gossip, rumour and hearsay told as solid facts getting other’s attention

“Did you hear about Gemma? She’s brazenly seeing Guy behind Steve’s back!”

“Well I heard she’s pregnant, a friend of a friend told me it’s a totally true fact!”

And so it continues sharing stories of acquaintances and supp...

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Wait,don’t give up

Wait, everything will be fine,

“Wait,be patient,” God tells you.

Your heart pounding hard

Your head spinning with thoughts 

“God,” you yell waiting is so hard

God says louder, “ wait and your promises will come true”

So you sit and listen 

You sit and wait 

Hoping, dreaming that his promises will come true soon


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Nice To Sea You

I am telling the crystal clear water
I am truly sorry…

If I’d have known
You were there
(waiting for me)

I would never have hurt
A speck of me

Instead I folded…
Under the city’s walls
Decaying streets
And people jampacked
With yesterday’s worries
And the future foreboding

If I had known…
I would be sitting with you, now

I would have waited,
Till the ripples of life

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Oracle of the Drought



fall into pools of swirling merriment
shirk substitutes that others recommend
firm in the knowledge of purest joy
your visage clear in mind, no mental toy

stab with wanton thrusts this warm caress
reveal dream's scorn amid phobic duress
with fiery brand your chariot swift - protect
lunar spheres in shaded ponds - thoughts collect

tinge red this broken tun...

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