alone (Remove filter)
Play in the Night
Play in the Night
--Michael Kwack
From two o’clock
When owls hoot
Up to four when cocks crow
Surely I will be kept awake,
To watch the secret play
Of the conscious and unconscious.
However, I will not see
The queer performance inside me
As a mere dream in the night.
If I long for better plays,
More will I wander dur...
Tuesday 29th December 2020 3:20 am
I am not Alone
Ujjal Mandal, India
7th December 2020
I am not alone.
When nature cast her beauty upon me,
My silence speaks the words
Of happiness.
Oh, I am not alone
I have silence.
Monday 7th December 2020 8:39 am
The Silence Still Talks
Confined to a tiny apartment
terrified of a viral threat
she rocks in her chair listening
to voices in the corridor
Who is going out?
To voices in the street
Who are they? Are they infected?
She turned off the TV months ago
when depression became too much to bear.
In the silence she waits
for the danger to pass
listening to the constant
chatter of...
Tuesday 22nd September 2020 9:27 am
Don't want to hurt
I don't want to hurt no more
I don’t want to cry
Don’t want to curse no more
Don't want to live this lie
Inside I feel I’m dying
The pain it hurts so bad
I feel I’m losing control
Every day I feel so sad
I’ve felt this way for a lifetime
Thought I’d mastered how to cope
But the pressures getting heavy
Feel I’m living with false hope
Thought talking would help to free me
But I feel I’v...
Sunday 9th August 2020 10:32 am
Lost Boy (AKA Lost Child and Lost Girl)
Lost boy, find your way home
Reach out your arms
You’re no longer alone
Lost boy, please don’t be scared
There’s a safe place waiting
You just need to get there
People may judge you
And that is OK
If they have a problem
We can keep them at bay
Thoughts and feelings are normal
Its everyday life
The future is yours
So keep that in sight
Lost boy, why are you afraid
It’s not your ...
Wednesday 5th August 2020 4:48 pm
You're not alone
Crumbling all around you
Your world falling apart
Life seems to be dealing cruel blows
And your wondering where to start
From the moment you start hiding
Things go from bad to worse
The damage is occurring
And your causing yourself hurt
On the outside you are smiling
But on the inside there is pain
To the world your seeing sunshine
But all you see is rain
Behind the dark clouds lurks y...
Sunday 26th July 2020 10:34 am
It’s a nagging,
A light tug of the sleeve on a cold day,
It reminds you it’s there with
Every quiet evening and cancelled plan
If you close your eyes you can feel
It stronger, engulfing you with its words
And its touch, filling your soul with the
Dirty sludge it flourishes within.
It follows you while you walk from
Street to street, from room to room,
And taunts you ...
Thursday 16th July 2020 3:21 pm
A new Family
When I walked through the path,
Alone in the moonlight stars.
I found a stranger wearing smile,
Didn't know the feelings behind
Walked with her and saw a different world
'There I got a new family' - I loved
Didn't know we could get so close
That my life could be disastrous if we broke.
Hiding the feelings behind and faking the smile they left.
Hope of meeting again is the only thing they ...
Tuesday 7th July 2020 8:04 pm
Better alone by Atile (the bread queen)
When I’m not alone
All I do is moan
I also groan
My companions say “Oh won’t you stop!”
But my only reply is “I’m going to the shop”
When I’m alone
I can play my trombone
Without somebody screaming “I would rather you moan!”
And I don’t always have to go to the shop
I just always watch TV non-stop
Once I was alone
And I was on my phone
And I was shown
A warning about a...
Monday 6th April 2020 4:48 pm
Four walls
Little comfort
Self control, the rage inside
Missing choices
Voices taken
Expelled forsaken
No choice
To live..
To feed the fallen
Four walls
One door
No comfort,
challenges acceptance
we shall over come
Thursday 2nd April 2020 12:22 am
Alone with the Virus
I went to the market today,
I bought some Haddock.
Under the present circumstances it seemed like the best thing to do,
There’s nothing in the shops,
Not even toilet paper
It looks like things are going down the pan very rapidly
What a thin veneer
Civilisation is so fragile
No thicker than a sheet of tissue paper, so gossamer.
I poached it in a bit of milk, the Haddock,
...Tuesday 24th March 2020 8:08 pm
an old man sitting alone at a diner
a child alone at recess because no one wants to play
an addict who sits at home inebreated because shes lonely
all of their minds have gone astray
feeling not good enough, feeling like no one cares
the feeling of loneliness is sometimes too much to bare
laying alone while your significant other sleeps
watching the ball drop on your own on ne...
Wednesday 15th January 2020 10:51 am
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