happiness (Remove filter)
Best Friend
On my darkest days you have been my light
You have helped me to shine bright
Always telling me that I belong
Always reminding me that I am enough
When my heart it blue
You are my glue
Nothing can describe the bond between me and you
You always see me through
Thank you for being my best friend, my sister, and simply you
Friday 18th December 2020 7:34 pm
Not Not Not
Life may not be perfect
But sadness isn’t worth it,
And no matter how bad it gets,
Or whatever the world may expect
I’m not done hoping yet.
I could weep, I could cry
But what would that buy?
Another moment of misery?
Or instead I could smile
And then at least I’d be lifted.
And life may not be great
But happiness shouldn’t wait
So no matter what
I’ll enjoy what I’ve got
I’m not ...
Sunday 29th November 2020 6:29 pm
On a cold winter's night
They sat, hand in hand
Ravaged by time
Old in design
Two dinosaurs
In a digital age
Still in analogue love
Upon a wireless hub
Sitting on a park bench
Beneath a full moon
At the end of their time
Bodies poised to resign
In a gathering frost
They glisten as one
Hands intertwined
Old parchment defined
...Thursday 19th November 2020 3:49 pm
Paper Friends
Leaving seems so hard
Until you actually leave
The peculiar truth is
Leaving feels ludic, orphic, majestic
Leaving the places which seemed to matter
Leaving the paper people I once met
Leaving, forgiving & moving forward
What a trouvaille I encountered
To leave the paper connection
Leaving them as they are, incomplete & rustic
Leaving them in the ocean ...
Saturday 17th October 2020 5:39 am
Mambo Moment
We interrupt our program
to bring this important
Amid the chaos and confusion,
be on the lookout for a
a mambo moment,
where you suddenly break
into song and dance,
forget your cares,
live in the moment,
feel the rhythm of life.
A mambo moment often appears
out of nowhere, at the most
unexpected time.
Those around may think
you lost your mind,
but the...
Tuesday 22nd September 2020 5:14 pm
Our Pleasures
All people find their pleasures
From a unique and different place
Perhaps listening to music,
Or winning in a race.
For some it may be movies.
For some a lovely meal.
For some it may be shopping,
For which many have great zeal.
Or being at one with nature,
Or sailing on a boat,
Or going on a holiday,
Whether crowded or remote.
Some find it in religion,
Or perhaps reading or writ...
Friday 4th September 2020 4:29 pm
Holly Hagg
Pen devoid of poems
adventure long overdue
living room carpet
growing long in the tooth
I’m pining for movement
so keen to get out
I’ll go walking down
to Holly Hagg
Little glimpses at normality
haloed by golden rays
There’s no poison
in the idle river
no politics
in the quiet horse
cantering to
another chew
The clouds of working day
part while I’m out walking
bathed in nat...
Friday 7th August 2020 4:43 pm
Nobody knows me,
Not even myself
I meet people everyday
I talk , I laugh , I smile
Others say that I lie.
I’m complicated, orphic
hard to understand
Just like the way we don’t know what happens in between the oceans.
I’m an...
Sunday 26th July 2020 4:34 am
I Don't Miss You
I don't miss you...not really.
I don't even want you...not really.
My empty heart is full of anger and regret, an infection that needs to be detoxed from inside me.
I can feel the grip of what could have been dissolving with every sip of self affirmation and every caplet of affection I imbibe.
I lick my wounds and feel the poison of jealousy and the sting of my injured pride slowly fa...
Sunday 12th July 2020 7:08 am
An orange morning,
a fresh aromatic air,
and a cup of coffee
might make you crazily cool.
The multi-colour roses,
a lush-green garden,
and the love-filled people
might sway you in a romantic realm.
The dark clouds,
a thunderstorm,
and a forked lightning
might throw you in a scary field.
The bad guys,
an evil thought,
and the black habits
might drive you glum and burri...
Wednesday 3rd June 2020 8:04 am
Elegy For Days Lost
Elegy For Days Lost
Another day has come and passed
Left pain and sadness in its wake
The seconds, minutes, hours amassed
The sun will give the moon will take
The distant friends the loved ones lost
Amid the times of dread disease
Each family will count the cost
And curse the name of days like these
And yet the sky was clearest blue
I wrote a poem, sang a so...
Sunday 24th May 2020 1:34 pm
My Confidence
My confidence might be a house of cards,
And topple over with no safeguards.
My confidence might be a pane of glass,
And be seen through and easily smash.
My confidence might be a rare mink vase,
Worth much but breaks to a thousand shards.
My confidence might be a beautiful flower,
And crushed with just a little power.
But my confidence might be a bar of gold.
Strong and valuab...
Saturday 29th February 2020 4:08 pm
You Have My Heart
When you give someone your heart
They have it and that's just that
There's no feeling of loss or of something missing
Simply joy as you realised you had it to give
And gave it willingly, without doubt
Knowing it sits safe with the one you love
You have my heart
Friday 7th February 2020 11:51 am
It's a new season love
Time to evolve again
Time to set out; create new memories
Theres a universe out there waiting for you
If only you could see yourself from before
Then you'd know nothing can stop you
The sun moon and stars bow for you to bloom
You've come too far to back down
Too strong to drown
Shine on...Shine on... young love
Monday 20th January 2020 2:23 am
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